Sheriff’s Deputies Raised Pro-Police Flag At OH County Jail During Police Brutality Protests | Talking Points Memo

The Hamilton County, Ohio sheriff’s office on Sunday acknowledged flying a “Thin Blue Line” flag over the county jail in Cincinnati, as protesters there and around the country demonstrated against police brutality.

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Yeah, that’ll smooth the waters just fine…


We see your thin blue line and raise you a red one.

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The police are the only thing standing between civil society and chaos, so therefore it’s fine when they riot.


The flag has also at times been displayed by members of the extremist far-right and was spotted among protesters at the 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Oh, I’m sure that was purely coincidental. Can’t be that the people who hoisted it up in Ohio could be racist fucks, can it?


Suspect there is more to this - Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office-Sheriff Jim Neil - just possibly an epic-level asshole - may once again be revealed to have basically been doing what ever his basic urges tell him - and willfully been disregarding commonsense …but this will end -cause his ass is being thrown the hell out of the Sheriff’s job …



Well that’ll calm everything down right away. And placing it over the jail couldn’t be more subtle.


Nazi flag next?


Didn’t see too many African-American officers in the photo near the flag poll. Wonder why.

Let’s call it like it is. Blue Lives Matter was just a bluster to counter the attention that Black Lives Matter was getting. It was never sincere in it’s origins.


Part of their sensitivity training.

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So just what flags are you allowed to raise over a public building, and with whose authorization?


“Should have been replaced with American flag immediately,” Cincinnati City Council President Chris Seelbach wrote on Twitter

Exactly right. These guys had an opportunity to be put the actual flag of this country up, they chose not to and instead made the decision to put a symbol of division and white supremacy instead of the American flag.


“The Thin Blue Line running between them, ‘law enforcement,’ separates the two, keeping crime separated from society.”

OK, but what’s gonna separate this Thin Blue Line from his doughnuts?

Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office claimed that the American flag flying above the Hamilton County Justice Center, in Cincinnati, had been stolen “during the Vandalism” there.

Hmm. Vandalism is capitalized. That indicates the “Vandalism” was done by a time-tripping Roman-era Pollack, one likely suffering from a discernible lack of melanin.

Imagine. Traveling all those years only to end up a Proud Boy.


Well, there’s this


And even among advocates for members of law enforcement, some view the flag as a desecration of the actual American flag.

Shouldn’t all police view it this way? And where are the outraged voices of right? After all, this is not just defacing a flag, but flying one from a government building! Something even the dirtiest hippy never dreamed of doing.

I mean, when a black man knelt at a football game, all we heard from conservatives was how kneeling was not only a grave vandalism of the flag, but that said vandalism was the sole reason for the kneeling.

Now we have this, and I’m guessing Fox News hasn’t had much to say about it.

I’d be confused if I didn’t know that the right has long been chock full of shameless hypocrites.


Oh man, I think their highly visible corruption is finally going to take them down to include the union presidents.

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I confess I hadn’t realized how little control mayors and local officials have over their police departments. From NYC to Cincinnati, we’ve seen rogue police behavior today.

So I’m going to give the opposite advice Trump gave to Governors today. And that is, get your police departments under control. Fire, retrain, re-educate, whatever it takes.


A reading from The Gospel According To African Americans.