Senate Primed To Pass Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill, Move Quickly To Budget Resolution | Talking Points Memo

The bipartisan infrastructure bill is getting its final vote at 11 a.m. today.

After that, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said yesterday, the Senate will move ahead with its budget resolution.

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Full speed ahead, and damn the GQP!


This is not the beginning of the end of our trials by any means. But could it be the end of the beginning?


Elections have consequences. The American People in Nov. and again in Dec. 2020 selected a team to craft and pass a “New Deal for the 21st Century”. It is long overdue. It is time to move on to a better future.


I agree with you… and your Churchill quote! But I’d like to add a couple thoughts to expand on your observation.

Yesterday, Josh posted an editorial piece that the Big Democratic Reconciliation Bill (Big D) will probably be the last piece of progressive legislation for a decade. I wrote him a note that while that might be true, there was an even more critical point to be made.

That critical point is this: If the Democrats don’t retain the Congress in 2022, Big D will never be implemented. It will die. And Bipartisan Deal will be crippled.

There is not a single dollar in either one. Money will only come later from appropriations bills. These bills have appropriations directions for the next couple years. But if the Republicans take Congress, they will wrap dead fish in Big D, because that is all that Big D will be useful for. And Bipartisan Deal will be slowed to a crawl.

One would hope that the great commentariat - including at TPM - would know this, but apparently not, which is fatal. The Democrats will never be able to get their voters to the polls if their voters don’t know they must fight to save Big D, and the only way they can do that is by retaining the Congress in the mid-terms. I think almost everyone erroneously believes that once this Big D is passed - along with Bipartisan Deal - everything is set in stone. But. It. Is. Not.

If the Republicans take the Congress, Big D is dead and Bipartisan Deal is crippled, because a Republican Congress will never appropriate the necessary money.

I wrote to Josh assuming he wouldn’t read it, let alone respond. But hope springs eternal that he will address this fact in TPM.


I’m quite surprised that #moscowmitch is allowing this to pass. I suppose, as others have states, this will simply let them brag to their constituents. Sigh.


“Nobody will ever understand why Mitch McConnell allowed this non-infrastructure bill to be passed."

Too busy rushing through Supreme Court Justices with sketchy pasts I guess.


When has he ever been quiet about anything? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

“I have quietly said for years that Mitch McConnell is the most overrated man in politics — now I don’t have to be quiet anymore.”


Way to pee in the punch bowl (but you’re not wrong).


That’s way out of character for a man [sic] whose NPD demands that he be numero uno in all things.


There are apparently some GOP Senators that need to be able to tell their constituents they did something.

And apparently having some talking point other than how the delta variant is spreading through anti-vaccine GOP-ers is attractive (to some Senators).


That drops us into the grueling Senate process called a vote-a-rama, which could continue for many hours as senators offer amendments to the resolution and Republicans take a stand against it.

Looking at the Senate’s work schedule, how much time they actually spend doing anything useful, and how much time they spend away from DC, I’m not sure I can call it “grueling”.

If nothing else, forcing filibusters to be in-person and on-the-floor would at least make them work for it.


My take on this is that Republicans knew all along that an infrastructure bill would pass and be very popular. This is a way for them to get in on the popularity while, at the same time, not take complete responsibility for the large sticker price of the entire infrastructure bill that will pass later by reconciliation.

Meanwhile, the Dems get to take credit for both the giant infrastructure bill (which will surely make things better for most everyone) as well as bipartisanship. It’s a perfect win win for both parties and I think a lot of Republican Senators were happy to stick their thumbs in Trump’s eye.


The bipartisan infrastructure bill is getting its final vote at 11 a.m. today.

How wonderful that Infrastructure Week is the same one as Reinstatement Week.

Three Days to Reinstatement!
(will that happen at noon Eastern Time or noon CST … or, perhaps, effen never?)


Is it August already? My how time flies.

Any guesses out there on what the new grift-o-licious day that the porno prince will take his throne will be?


Many people are saying there’s a countdown clock on the MyPillow app .


If we can get these two Infrastrucure Bills into Law, as well as a competent and comprehensive Voting Rights Bill, we will all have a different collective mentality.


Am I wrong to take schadenfreude in the fact that Mitch McConnell continues to hold elected office while Donnie Two Impeachments is spewing paper tweets from a golf course in New Jersey?

It seems wrong, but that’s how I am honestly feeling.


I always heard it as “turd in the punch bowl”. :grimacing:


Trump reminds us he is a complete asshole, totally self-centered, and indifferent to the urgent needs of the country. But then again, we already knew that…