Originally published at: Senate Democrats Expected To Help Pass House Republican CR - TPM – Talking Points Memo
Following Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) announcement that he would help pass the House’s far-right spending bill, a few Senate Democrats are expected to provide the necessary votes to help pass the measure Friday. Democrats, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and even Democratic House leadership, are criticizing the Senate’s caving. Follow along with TPM’s…
Very disappointing. I don’t know the right answer but it seems there should be some pushback beyond empty posturing. When you stand for nothing, you will accept anything. Even the federal employees’ union backs voting no.
Absolutely disgusting! Spineless Democratic Senators. Schumer needs to go. That’s no CR and he knows it. It’s everything the bastards want including tax breaks for the wealthy! Bastards.
Historicaly weak leadership.
All these pols from the era of Triangulation and GOPLite need to fucking go. Show votes and pretend good faith negotiation is not going to cut it.
No one can have all the answer for what needs to be done right now, but living in a bygone era of good faith negotiations is a fools run.
If as Chuckie says, a shut down is much worse than passing the poison in this resolution, THEN EXPLAIN IT IN CLEAR WORDS.
Just saying “they’ll destroy the government quicker” isn’t enough. And if it’s the truth, every Dem leader should be on the streets protesting now.
All I see is weakness and fear of not making the perfect move. There is no perfect move.
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Senate leadership shakeup…
Exactly what many of us folks been saying for years…
Chuck might have united the rest of us…
The fascist collaborators have decide that we should claim part ownership of the damage Mango and DOGE are doing and will continue to do:
“Explain it to me like I was six.” is always a good opening. Then describe where we are going to be or supposed to be after this is all over. That strips the emotion of the moment out of the situation (Mark Twain’s famous quote that “humor is tragedy plus time”). And we’re talking a lot of time. WWII ended in 1945, and it wasn’t until 1965 that America had “Hogan’s Heroes” and 1967 when Mel Brooks “The Producers” came out with Nazi comedy. “All over”, the time when we might be able to laugh about this, is decades in the future. Unlike Nazism in Germany, this is a domestic event, and it affects hundreds of million of people directly. Who knows if we even have a Senate in 2055? So please Democrats, fell free to articulate, commiserate and demonstrate. Somebody should be concerned about how we spend the next few decades, and more importantly, the sooner we can all chuckle about our national trauma the better.
As Cory Booker was reported to comment: (paraphrased) a choice between how the government gets destroyed is not much of a choice.
Alternatively, some Democrats are simply a little vichy-vashy.
Another applicable adage, if you sit on the fence you get shot at from both sides.
I can’t see giving to many democrats who don’t do the bare minimum to show some spine. As if the cover of a failed 30 day CR is something ANYONE is going to remember or credit them for. What idiocy…and I say that with the current administration currently in office also competing for that title. Is feckless the right word for it?
It was going to be the “Trump Recession, or Trump that took away your kid’s in-class assistant. Now the destruction will be “bipartisan.”
Every member of the Senate leadership who votes for cloture should be forced out of leadership.
Democracy is a frog in a pot of increasingly hot water, and Schumer is unwilling to check whether the frog is still alive. A shutdown doesn’t make things “worse” in the long term; it makes things clear. We need to know if the frog is already dead.
To be fair, MOST democratic senators are holding the line here. It’s just a few that are walking around doddering on about ‘bipartisanship’ and ‘decorum’ while Rome burns, and unfortunately, they’re the only ones that media wants to talk to.