Your thoughts are good, but I am not sure Roberts isn’t one of the receipents of the corruption gravy train. Remember is wife has a thriving business finding young lawyers for influential law firms. That has to be a very lucretive career.
There are plenty of charlatans on the possible R slate of candidates led of course led by Rama Lama Ding Dong in competition with the biggest charlatan of all time, Cadet Bone Spurs.
Yep, he’s dirty.
Best is to call him to testify and in the subpoena note that it’s the only way to get his opinion b/c if the legislation to regulate the court went to court he’d obviously have to recuse b/c his wife’s work…
IMHO, the top marginal tax rate should be 100%, and the total number of billionaires in the country should be a fixed number. Specifically, the fixed number that is halfway between -1 and 1.
How is it greedy Justices so easily seem to find greedy wives, which is like asking which came first, the chicken or the egg.
The only way to control the out of control SCOTUS is to have a Democratically controlled Congress.
Yep and huge taxes on businesses that have a workforce dependant on government benefits because low wages and benefits.
But if they pay their people good, and make huge money thay can keep more of it.
This means employees at large make more and spend more which rolls up anyway.
If they are a good corporate citizen then we don’t need to hose them.
Tax programs are always about incentivizing behavior.
I find most all religions easily corrupted by power hungry men anxious to maintain the power of a patriarchy.(The big three from Abraham especially so.) And equally prone to theocratic fascist friendly thought,and to the ridiculous belief that there’s a god figure telling them to do all those things. A ridiculous belief they employ quite successfully to enrich themselves, both in power and wealth.
I agree about voting Democratic from here in the bluest state of all, CA, but there are conservative Justices today who are young enough to remain on SCOTUS for decades, Coney Barrett, Gorsuch, to name two, and you can’t say the same about the more liberal Justices who are aging out with the exception of Jackson.
Sammy is, in fact, very stupid.
WalMart, are you listening? Their kids all qualify for free lunch
These are words we need to hear from democratic leadership…
If we run on it, and win, we have the mandate.
“Codifying Roe” is, in a sense, saying it’s legitimate to legislate fundamental rights. Being on the correct side of it doesn’t really make that better.
If the mantra is to “Codify Roe as triage while we reform the corrupted court” that lessens the sting.
But if it’s not a campaign promise by those running, it won’t happen
Feature, not bug
During my academic career I served on the University Appeals Board for almost 10 years. One thing we were very specifically told in training was that if we had something that could be reasonably construed as a conflict of interest, we should consider our self conflicted and recuse from the appeal. I asked, “Whose view of reasonable?” The answer was, “Either party to the appeal.”
There were certain standard automatic recusals: You could not hear an appeal where your department was involved, and we were warned to be cautious of appeals where our college was involved. There were a couple of others, but I don’t recall what they were.
Organized religion was absolutely created to control the 99% against the 1% who owned everything across Europe, but it applies pretty much everywhere. But when people actually start to believe they have a magic invisible friend who fixes things for them, that’s mental illness.
Religion might make a few people feel warm and fuzzy about a terrifying world, but the harm it does to uncounted millions and has for millennia far outweighs any tiny modicum of good it might do here and there.
Sounds like that board just needed to consider itself more Supreme…
Now who does this remind me of…hmm Oh! got it!
Fox is just a televangelist networks for the Republican religion of hate, greed and stupidity. They just recycled the model that worked so well on these very same people.
Flavor-aide for everyone!
Unfortunately, I’m afraid that would only hurt admin. staff, custodial staff, etc. The supremes and their Ivy League interns wouldn’t be touched.