Sen. Kennedy Admits COVID-19 Will Spread Faster If Economy Reopens, Says It Should Reopen Anyway

Has this “leader” visited an ICU? Any hospital? Spoken to medical personnel or epidemiology experts? Does he have anyone affected by coronavirus? Is he just holed up safe and comfortable in his nice house? Has he spoken to survivors of the disease to which he so blithely consigns the public?



You can lead a MAGAR to water but you can’t make them drink.

He uses the pronoun ‘we’ liberally but I’m sure he doesn’t mean ‘we’. He means ‘you’.
“What’s this ‘we’ shit, Masked Man?”


And one of those cold hard facts is “You first.”


I think it’s very noble of him to volunteer to sacrifice his life, and the lives of his family, for the cause of the economy.

He is volunteering, right?


Our real white Americans now believe the virus is in the main an urban blight, but even more important, even in the hard hit urban areas, it disproportionately strikes the poor and minorities. This has great meaning to our fine white Americans, and their chosen representatives like Kennedy. To them it allows them to put the virus in the of no account column. People mean way less to them than money but poor black and brown people? We don’t care. Do u?


Johnny is one of those guys ready to fiercely fight to the last drop of someone else’s blood.


Where on earth did you hear that? I don’t recall anyone accusing Kennedy of being intelligent.


Ok, he is highly educated, which in truth, doesn’t necessarily confirm that he’s intelligent. Fair point.


Standards have slipped. I believe there was a time when having a degree from Wharton wasn’t considered to be humorous.

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This is so freaking dumb.

If the virus is spreading, people won’t be going out anyways. You can see this in Sweden right now, where the government has not ordered any sort of lockdown, but the economy is down pretty much in line with every neighboring economy, because people are voluntarily choosing to not expose themselves to a high chance of dying.

What the small percentage of the running economy has ensured, however, is that the death rate in Sweden is orders of magnitues higher than its very comparable Nordic neighbors.

“Reopening” the economy only means that you will bring it back to 50% of normal, instead of the current maybe 30%, and in turn you will accelerate the number of illnesses and deaths greatly, which means that soon that 50% will probably plummet again (especially if we exclude emergency healthcare services from contributing positively towards the numbers we are looking at). And the dead and the sick will be permanently out of the economy, so your long term economy is also greatly damaged.


Remember during the Korean War, Republicans were fond of saying that the (orientals, commies, Russians) didn’t value human life the way we do?

They forgot to include Right Wing Southerners.


Dear Senator Kennedy -
Stop being a vivid raging ASSHOLE - We all want to see the “economy” return to full operation - we all emphatically understand that the this “Total Lock Down” is not a long term sustainable approach to life.
Don’t be a putrid stinking Idiot and act like anybody is simply flat out “opposed” to having a functioning economy.

What people are opposed to is a baseless charge back into attempting to resume functioning as before - People are opposed to massive unwarranted risk that is guaranteed to KILL People - your dumb-ass logic is not going to get people to be willing to risk death for your stock portfolio … People are opposed to excessive risk - especially WITHOUT ANY of the numerous precautions & remedies that have been clearly identified - DAMN IT MAN - you know what has to be done ! You oppose the serious steps that must be take - you have participated in blocking measures that could mitigate a certain amount of the risk - and now you scream with crocodile tears in you eyes that it is urgent that “the economy” be saved at any price.


fair enough…

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“Every sperm is sacred,” as Trump himself might say, “with an exception, of course, for the ones I deposit inside the wombs of porn stars.”

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True dat! GOP:

Grand Old Party
Gods Own Party
Greeds Own Party

(Technically #2 is also correct if you substitute Mammon for Jesus, HaShem, etc.)

Not surprising, coming from LA where so many POC are the ones doing most of the dying.

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“cold hard facts” = cold dead bodies. Remember that. And don’t fall for the “I’m just making the tragic (for you) heroic decision that makes me a hero” (among the one percent for whom the ninety-nine percent are meant to sacrifice all.)


Are you referring to Woody Allen and “What’s up Tigerlilly”?