Sen. Kennedy Admits COVID-19 Will Spread Faster If Economy Reopens, Says It Should Reopen Anyway

I agree

However, testing for infection and immunity only allows us to make better informed assessment of risk. Deciding what level of testing is sufficient to start making decisions is a risk itself.

Setting aside the politics, we have to deal with the fact that we won’t have a vaccine for a year and there’s no cure in the offing. All we can do now is slow the spread of the disease with shutdowns, social distancing, and hygiene, and these are the only tools we will have for the foreseeable future.

But we can’t shut down for a year. We’re going to have to get functional again in the presence of this virus, and that means we will have to decide on how much sickness and death we will tolerate. That’s the ugly reality, but I think it important to understand that society makes these suffering and death decisions often, more often than not for purely base economic reasons, and we are forced to having to make it now.

If there is a silver lining to this crisis, I hope it’s that people learn we’re all in this together and not walled off in economic groups. A revival of the American community instead of individualism and tribalism and economic stratification