Sen. Kennedy Admits COVID-19 Will Spread Faster If Economy Reopens, Says It Should Reopen Anyway

“Every sperm is sacred,” as Trump himself might say, “with an exception, of course, for the ones I deposit inside the wombs of porn stars.”

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True dat! GOP:

Grand Old Party
Gods Own Party
Greeds Own Party

(Technically #2 is also correct if you substitute Mammon for Jesus, HaShem, etc.)

Not surprising, coming from LA where so many POC are the ones doing most of the dying.

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“cold hard facts” = cold dead bodies. Remember that. And don’t fall for the “I’m just making the tragic (for you) heroic decision that makes me a hero” (among the one percent for whom the ninety-nine percent are meant to sacrifice all.)


Are you referring to Woody Allen and “What’s up Tigerlilly”?

Wait … you never left?

You’re only making them salivate. They’d love to force opening early to squeeze more deaths out of liberal population centers.

Smarter than most, are you?:rage:

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Well, in this case I’m glad to be mistaken!

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Reason No. 47382 not to marry: potential quarantines and shelter at home orders…lol…

This president initially fights and discredits any good sense that may be applied. He is kicking and screaming as he is dragged away from his inertia by reality. It does not matter what is said or done, he soils it on the outset.

The reality is there is no absolute solution. But eventually things will have to move forward. But he is not giving anyone the opportunity to formulate a good process to do so. It is all filled with his static. He has no true incremental thinking to apply to process. It is black and white for him. One, because he is a simplistic twit with magical thinking. Two, he is listening to people just like himself with a profit motive and zero consideration not only for human life, but the quality of life.


Or … you know … maybe just one of those.

It sounds like decisions that do not value life to me. John Kennedy (R-LA) - A Profile in Porridge.

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10% unemployment will do that.

Those fools can hollar for the economy to open all they want. Doesn’t mean folks will return to the ways we were spending 4 months ago. We are going to see Darwinism in action.

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The unborn do not make any requirements of them. It is what these whack jobs use in place of virtue signaling.


Those that advocate for very very very soon reopening of America should take the time to read this tweet thread:

Also published in Wapo:


oh they are so stupid …
they should stand up on the hoods of their pick-ups and limousines & wave their MAGA hats and banners - so it is easier to know precisely where to throw the rocks & grenades!

numerically - that are in the minority - so pissing off the mildly motivated group with greater numbers & converting them to a highly motivated group may not turn out well…

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“probably still believe in Bigfoot.”

Uh oh - Kennedy may have alienated a big part of Spanky’s base with this remark.

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Why May 1st? What is the obsession with May 1st?

Earnings Season reporting.

If things don’t start improving in the stock market, and by at LEAST June 1st, the half-year earnings reports will be DISMAL and the stock market will dive again.


Chimpy McStaggar has degrees from both Yale & Harvard. So what does that tell you?

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