Wait - how will the voices of his constituents be heard when forming the party manifesto? Will all the time he’s spent listening to Tennesseans of every station in life, both Republican and Democrat, be wasted?
That’s exactly what I expect. Most of these people aren’t stupid. They’re craven, horrid human beings who don’t mind sending their constituents off to slaughter, but they’re not stupid enough to expose themselves to a deadly virus to protect Trump’s fragile ego. Most of them know damn well he’s going to lose and the only reason for having an in-person convention during a global pandemic is because Trump needs the adoration of the crowd. If you’re not up for reelection this year you have absolutely no reason to even consider going. If you are, well, deuces!
No matter what any of these assholes do or say before November their complicity in trump’s national destruction will speak louder than anything they do now. If there is any honor left in America those up for reelection will be out of a job after January 2021.
At this rate the WH 4th of July party is going to look wild compared with the RNC
That’s just pathetic.
Yeah those beefy white guys in uniform trying to bring the Uptown Funk were really pathetic.
So were the dancers.
Implies they’ve done something wrong. None of them want to go there.
That looks like the right racial makeup for the GOP convention.
They’re such HEROES!
“When I said old people should die, I didn’t mean ME!”
I’m going to go out on a limb here and predict that we will have more infections, more hospitalizations, more deaths leading up to the convention. If they do go through with it, it’s going to look like Tulsa.
Maximum humiliation.
Containing my schadenfreude is going to harder than containing coronavirus.
OT: /snort/
“Alexander cited the need to spend more time with his lungs.”
Seems to me, with ~300 GOTP pigfuckers in the House and Senate, the number of “I need to wash may hair” excuses should be capped at about 3…
Trump should put his hoof down.
In more bad news for trump:
They’re even publishing it two weeks early.
I had to get my car worked on in Southwest Mo yesterday. I was the only person in the waiting room that was wearing a mask, and it was crowded. A man walked up by me and started talking to someone within 2 feet of me. A teenager was setting and moving around on the carpeted floor and eating. Finally, about after about an hour, a man walked in with a mask. I felt the world was not as crazy as I thought it was. Also, no one at the auto service area was wearing a mask. I was disgusted. How are we going to get over this virus, when people are just not doing what they should do? Today, I am really depressed, we will have this virus for years.
Someone should investigate his bone spurs ex-rays, too.
Multiple metaphors come to mind. Rats fleeing a sinking ship as you have illustrated. Lemmings jumping off of a cliff while trying to flee a predator. Dominoes falling…ah, yes, I recall the Domino Theory regarding SE Asia. I do believe we’re going to see many more GOP Senators and elderly Republicans forsaking their convention this cycle due to the 99% harmless SARS-CoV-2 virus.