Supreme Court officials are moving to get law clerks to turn over phone records and sign affidavits in the hunt to find out how a draft of the high court’s majority opinion overturning Roe v. Wade got leaked, according to CNN.
Supreme Court officials are moving to get law clerks to turn over phone records and sign affidavits in the hunt to find out how a draft of the high court’s majority opinion overturning Roe v. Wade got leaked
I’m a bit (just a bit) confused. Was the leak illegal?
The leak was not illegal. And it was leaked to conservative friendly media outlets -Wall Street Journal and Politico. The clerks should stick together as a group and just say no to handing over their cell phones.
SCOTUS is in a state of corruption. Begins with appointing political judges-Thomas and Alito. Followed by extremist, incompetent, corrupt, political judges - Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Barrett.
Never going to get ethics from this court. They are behaving like authoritarians.
Probably not. The investigation will only look at those that have the least amount of resources.
And good luck in the future finding anyone willing to clerk for SCOTUS if this goes through. There are fourth amendment rights potentially being violated here, by an organization that’s supposed to adhere to the very document on which those rights are stated.
Yeah, I know - SCOTUS has warped the meaning. Maybe a prosecution could be that cellphones weren’t part of the times during the writing of the Constitution and, so, aren’t protected…
If I was in charge of the investigation my number one suspect would be Ginni Thomas.
What the leak does is make it much harder, like what happened when Clarence Thomas was first appointed in 1991 and the “Casey decision” in 1992. According to Justice Harry Blackmun, the author of the Roe decision who was still on the bench, Scalia had written what he was going to be the majority opinion in Casey directly overturning Roe v Wade. However, under pressure from Republicans in congress and the senior Bush who was still president and up for reelection, Kennedy changed his vote keeping Roe while overturning the standard in Roe for allowable Government interference in a Woman’s right to choose from NO in the first trimester to “undue burden” which was then applied to rich White women.
That is while the Republican and not conservative Supreme Court has consistently allowed for abortion to be made difficult if not impossible for women of less means, Republicans fear making it difficult for suburban White women.
So the question is who would have motive to leak the draft so as to make it harder for Republicans to exert political pressure on a justice to get them to change their vote from directly overturning Roe to a political posturing of overturning Roe in all but name?
And to me the first person that comes to mind, who has the motive and has clearly shown a disregard for anything that disagrees with her, is Ginni Thomas.
And before someone points out that Clarence and not Ginni is on the Supreme Court, I think they are one and the same.