SCOTUS Breaks Silence, Dashes Hopes As Conservatives Let Texas Abortion Ban Stand | Talking Points Memo

Ok, so there’s legwork, exactly who is doing it is up for debate. But there’s still a disruption of people and their lives, and a big assumption built in that it gets immediately dismissed

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So the same court that said Texas didn’t have standing to sue other states over the way they conduct their elections says that Texas can can give standing to random people off the street to sue providers and patients over abortions?


And now for something completely different.


Still more creative than the volcanoes.


Poor Lindsey. Just when he thought he was safe.


Find me a judge in Deep Blue Dallas County who wouldn’t dismiss one of these cases at the drop of a hat. Ain’t no abortion clinics out there in Deep Red MAGAstan. To the extent those cases ever start getting filed, they’re getting filed in Blue State Texas, and Blue State Texas judges will be happy to kill those cases dead.

No and no.

You’ve got a lot of confidence. I guess time will tell.

A little more bite to it.

Isn’t he still a virgin?

I think the problem here (apart from our discussion about organizational standing) is the attorney fees provision. Sure, you spend almost no time filling the motion, but the other side let’s you know, as a heads up, that they sunk 20-30k briefing their complaint, and opposition. They lose, motion for reconsideration, denied, appeal, and brief in support, and reply to your opposition. Now they are pushing towards six figures in fees. At what point does your client lose their nerve? Or are liberal groups picking up the other sides fees too?

I think a LOT is being asked of a client in this position.


The first test case could be something engineered by Planned Parenthood or the ACLU with willing accomplices on both sides, just to get the thing appealed up to the Texas supreme court.

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As I said earlier I think this is a shameful travesty both on the part of Texas state government and the SCOTUS.
Really I am at a loss for words here to relate how fucking dangerous this Texas law is for the Republic we thought we knew. It will become VERY very ugly.


Bright side, at least all the libtards didn’t succeed in stealing everyone’s guns, so we’ve got a reasonable chance of winning Civil War II.

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I would be all for this if more and more vaccinated people weren’t getting sick too.

It’s long been rumored that Kanye West’s mother was the only one who could keep him medicated. It’s thought that he didn’t so much go crazy because she died, but because no one else can keep him on his meds. That said, mental illness and assholishness aren’t mutually exclusive. People don’t turn into racists one day because of their mental illness nor do they run around telling other Black people that slavery was a choice.


Wait, are you saying that my plan to fill out that commie denounce and report form with random womens’ names to have them investigated isn’t going to go anywhere?

This is not the America I grewed up in!



And your superior plan is what now? Unless it’s someone who offered themselves up as a test case, the defendant doesn’t have any choice about getting sued or the need to defend the case. And if it is a test case defendant, you can be sure that the abortion rights orgs will be paying any adverse judgment in the unlikely event that I’m wrong and vigilante standing is real after all.


Don’t forget that some Texas women are willing and eager wingnut collaborators who support this and all other GQP evil.

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The point being that you downplay this like it’ll be a walk in the park and defendants are going to solve it with a phone call and go back to washing dishes or whatever.