Scott Deflects On Whether GOPers Should Condemn White Nationalism

NRSC chair Sen. Rick Scott’s (R-FL) on Sunday repeatedly deflected when pressed on whether Republican leaders should condemn white nationalism.”

Shorter Batboy: “Look, my job is to get the Nazi base to vote GOP. Why would I condemn Nazism?”


Scientologists are “clear” because they take diuretics. That’s what they say.


Corrupt dick who engineered massive Medicare fraud says what?


I thought it was DIANETICS. Oh damn, I did not realize you were making a joke. Good, sirrah!


Let’s say we judge people by “the content of their character.” What do we make, then, of Tucker Carlson’s claim that Democrats are intentionally bringing obedient people in from third world countries to displace legacy Americans and vote for Democrats?

That’s painting with a rather broad brush.


Kind of annoying that the fully compromised network “journalists” keep asking the perpetrators if they wish to condemn what they clearly support. I guess it’s a nice game to pass the time, but we’re way beyond the “hmmmm” stage here. Anyone who isn’t willing to say out loud what these types are based on what they say and do every damn day shouldn’t be interviewing anyone, much less getting paid a fat salary to do it. It’s embarrassing for the nation to keeping having to see it while we get closer to the endgame.


Oh I think they’ve graduated to one of these.


“Well, I tell people what I believe. And, you know, every Senate candidate on both sides is going to decide what is important to them, and what is important to the citizens of their state,” Scott said. “But I can tell you I’m clear.”

Uhmm…Whaaa??? Clear? No. Sorry, hon. You’re still just as convoluted as a devil’s map to heaven. You still make no sense. Run along home now, and play with yourself. .


That’s painting with a rather forceful jet spray.

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Well when one party has several partisan news outlets…gotta have some power to cover the country.

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What is the difference between white nationalism and white supremacy? Asking for a friend.


The amount of violence.


import v export?


Not quite the end of story. He’s also a thief, a liar, a …


he means he is’clear’ of stealing millions from MEDICARE.


“What’s in a name?”, circa 1594.

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I suppose the first is a belief that our country’s government was formed by White people for the benefit of White people, and should always be that way. All other citizens are second class (or worse). It’s the political expression of Whiteness.

The second would be more general belief that Whites are inherently superior to every other race. It has something of a defensive feel to it, I think. Those on top usually don’t have to whine about whether they’re on top or not.


there is no such thing as white suprmacy or white nationalism…the former is people claiming to be supreme…to what? the latter is people who want an allwhite world…they want to ban all colours except white…other people are refusing to abandoned their multi coloured items.

Didn’t want to miss this one edited to add Bill Cassidy, M.D
Sen. Bill Cassidy says Louisiana’s maternal mortality rate isn’t bad if you don’t count Black people
Why Louisiana’s maternal mortality rates are so high - POLITICO

“About a third of our population is African American; African Americans have a higher incidence of maternal mortality. So, if you correct our population for race, we’re not as much of an outlier as it’d otherwise appear,” Sen. Bill Cassidy said in an interview with POLITICO for the Harvard Chan School of Public Health series Public Health on the Brink . “Now, I saythat not to minimize the issue but to focus the issue as to where it would be. For whatever reason, people of color have a higher incidence of maternal mortality.”

Jez can anybody think of what that reason might be???


Obvious f/u question that wasn’t asked.

I do not watch major network reporters question GOP nutjobs for the same reason I don’t eat uncooked jalapenos - it upsets my tummy and it burns my ass.

Why are they always asking these snakes to condemn something a fellow snake has said? Instead of asking them to condemn something, why not just ask if they support it? Then be prepared with a f/u question no matter which way they answer. They should be forced to watch Mehdi Hassan question someone. There are a few folks who actually know how to do it.

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