Schumer: Feds Need To Step Up On Testing | Talking Points Memo

That’s basically it. From the reporting I remember, when the WH brought up the idea of actually using the DPA for medical supplies, they got pushback from “business leaders” because it would mean the Government would set a uniform pricing. That would be subject to oversight – in other words, fair market pricing – instead of businesses setting their own inflated prices. This was with regard to ventilators, but it applies to PPE and testing supplies as well.

Apparently there was also some pushback from the usual R suspects about not wanting to “nationalize” companies on purely ideological grounds. So the DPA was barely used, mostly as a threat to get companies moving, and not the way it was intended to be used. And in fact, has been used many times by this administration for military spending.


He’s said it almost daily.
His latest social media ad is brutal.

But trump sucks all the oxygen out of the room and Biden gets ignored by the media—including TPM.


Trump has been tested many times over his miserable life, and he’s failed each and every time.


I still want to know if the equipment that the states purchased have had their checks cleared, so to speak. So if the state purchased the equipment then the residents of that state paid for them. Have the feds reimbursed them? I think not. Which means the cost of intercepting the equipment, transporting it to wherever, is also paid for by the residents of the state that just got their equipment highjacked.

And if other red states are like Missouri when we finally come out on the other side then the Republican controlled legislature’s first move will be to cut taxes on the wealthy (job creators) and businesses. Which mean for states with balanced budgets in their constitutions means services will be cut.


Trump’s only plan is for this pandemic to create enough chaos that he and his Republican cronies can continue to rape the treasury. A single unified federal strategy makes it too easy to track who is stealing what and prevents the market frenzy that is lining their pockets.

If Dems ever control the senate again, there needs to be investigation and jail time for these war-time profiteers. Jail for the fat cats at the top is the only way to right the country.


I wonder if someone threw a bucket of water on him would suffer the same fate as the Wicked Witch of the West? I’m saving dropping the house for Trump.


O/T, but good news for @mattinpa, me, and other Pennsylvanians here on TPM

I know in the whole scheme of everything COVID-19 that it’s childish and unimportant, but I am so excited that I’ll be able to buy some bourbon!



Here’s the link to the New England Journal of Medicine article, @brian512 :


All the blue states and any red states who want to join should form a new federal cooperative, pool their buying power and distribute among themselves based on need. They should pass a single set of laws against profiteering off of the public health crisis. They should pool resources and work jointly on a vaccine that would be distributed to those states first. Then they should completely cut Trump and any other states out of the loop. It would cut Trump down to size and force the MSM to honestly cover the fact that there should be a unified federal response and that Trump is in dereliction of his duty.


The supermarkets only have wine and beer, they can’t keep the stock in, and I’ve had some pretty sad excuses for wine lately. I know it’s a first-world problem. But it’s still, you know, a problem. :face_with_monocle:


I’m embarrassed to admit that you’re preaching to the choir.


It always amazes me that there are states that have state licensed liquor stores. When I go to the grocery store I get what I want, that is if I drank.

I remember a story my uncle told decades ago about flying over the state of Kansas and the airlines had to stop serving alcohol while over Kansas (a dry state) airspace.


I was excited when Pennsylvania finally allowed grocery stores to sell wine and beer. I didn’t realize how important gin and bourbon were to me until the State Stores closed down last month.

Again, I’m embarrassed to admit my weakness and my privilege.

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Seriously, what’s to be embarrassed? I tried a local white from a producer I’ve had some luck with and it was as sweet as apple juice. Got some Yellowtail chard and it’s citrusy to where I don’t really enjoy it. A couple fingers of bourbon would go down fine right about now, or later this afternoon.


It also needs mentioning that testing is not a once and done option.

If you are infected with COVID-19, there is obviously a quarantine or hospitalization that will be needed. Even if you test negative, a quarantine of 14 days is probably still necessary in case you’re simply asymptomatic. But after that you need to be tested a second time to ensure you are no longer carrying the virus.

If we talk about the serology test for antibodies, you should be quarantined for 14 days after a negative result to ensure you are not one of those asymptomatic carriers…and then tested again before you get released from quarantine. If you’re going to back to work, you probably need both tests and a 14-day quarantine before being allowed to go back to work.

Sorry for the length of this reply but, in terms of testing, it is not so straightforward as the authorities try to make it sound. People can probably add more to this but this is just a first order approximation of the need. How many millions of tests that represents is hard to quantify but I don’t think I’ve heard any number that even comes close.


Donnie is a wimp, then a dictator wannabee, then a wimp, then a dictator wannabee, then…

In short, he’s no leader, he’s a disaster.


Thank you. Great source!


Because he’s a freak. We have a fucking freak who doesn’t know shit from shinola for a president.


I’m just proud of you for not going with a bootlegger or rum runner situation. You can hold your head up high.


…but they don’t start selling until tomorrow :slightly_frowning_face: