Schumer: Feds Need To Step Up On Testing | Talking Points Memo

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) pushed back on President Trump putting the onus on governors to ramp up COVID-19 testing in their states to begin the process of reopening the economy, during an interview on CNN Sunday.When asked by CNN’s Jake Tapper about whether he got any indication that the federal government has a coordinated plan to roll out testing and to ensure that governors know where the tests are, Schumer responded that the federal government has been “back and forth on this.”

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Well if the feds did that it would take coordination, competence and working together. However doing this means accepting responsibility for how it turns out. As opposed to shifting the hard work onto the states.

Gee, if I was Trump which option would I take?


Option C. Foment civil unrest among his ammosexual base in his swing states, and whip up conspiracy theories against China and WHO.

It may not save lives but oh my god the ratings will be strong and tremendous.


Trump is alternating between brownshirt (LIBERATE) and Coolidge/Hoover (not my fault/no responsibility here)


Uh, that’s “wrung dry”, right, CNN?


Sadly, these days it is necessary to state the obvious.


“We will not be able to get the economy going full-fledged unless we have testing,” Schumer said.

So very true. But we can’t even get the Feds to stop stealing ventilators and PPE from states and hospitals; so much so, that for local entities to obtain these supplies, it’s become a cloak and dagger operation the CIA would be proud to put their name to-secretly, of course.

It’s interesting that like with Pelosi, Trump hasn’t been able to come up with a disparaging nickname for Governor Cuomo. I think his lizard brain has warned him off as too dangerous. And his lizard brain would be correct. Cuomo would tear his heart out. He already has.


" There should be at least one person in charge of making sure there’s a national focus and effort on testing."

3…2…1… Jared?


Where is Biden? He needs to say that while we have only one president at a time this one is failing the American people.


Physician v’s asshole


How’s that supposed to happen when State purchases are confiscated by DHS and withheld to be used by the Federal Stockpile? You know, the one that isn’t supposed to be used by the States.


Last week business leaders told him that things will not restart until testing and contact tracing is scaled up. Trump knows this but is too addled and rattled to follow through. He needs to resign. He is not up to the task of protecting the nation.


Trump does not want testing because he doesn’t want “high numbers”. He knows that someday this will end and he’ll just blame the governors, knowing that they never had a chance to do adequate testing. The up side for him is that there will never be a correct total number of cases with his name on it. It is all about the numbers - money, people? No matter, just numbers.


You’re dreaming. He just hasn’t “thought” one up yet. It took him almost two years to come up with one for Speaker Pelosi. And I’m sure you’ve noticed that he re-uses more than a couple, for those of his enemies that don’t have names which lend themselves to his half-witty name-calling.


To Trump, in his addled brain, one has nothing to do with the other and he’s only going to push the one that helps him.

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Yeah, no. I’ve seen literal empty suits make more of an impression and have more definition and sense than Jared. He’s all the Wizard of Oz characters wrapped in one. Lacks a heart, a brain, and courage.


It’s important to remember that the continued lack of testing is a conscious strategy by Dr. Cadet Toadglans and the Kockholster Klan because: the more testing, the more documented infected, the more attributable deaths, and the worse he looks, if that’s possible.

In other news, the chyron writers at FOX have been confusing colons with commas (again).



The chief executive of a MA hospital, outbid for PPE by the feds multiple times, cut a deal, paid extra, hired the trucks — and then was interrogated by the FBI and had to get his Congressperson to intervene to keep DHS from heisting the shipment.





My bad. I left off the snark tag.


Stating the obvious again, Trump has only two goals for this crisis – getting the economy moving again regardless of the public health impact, and avoiding responsibility by pushing everything onto state Governors.

On that last front, he’s hoping that Dem Governors in swing states like Michigan will fail their response, and give him more votes in November. So of course the last thing Trump wants is a nationalized testing program that would reveal the full extent of infections and deaths due to the virus…