Have to wonder after Murdoch’s statement if his hosts have a side game going that he is not in control of. Could easily see that. Between politics and big money they ignore him, treating him as a lesser power. Maybe Rupert is screwing the deal.
That Fox continues to spread election lies following all the discovery by Dominion I hope will markedly increase punitive damages.
The Fox Broadcasting Company is an over-the-air television network licensed by the FCC. This is the station where you find programming such as "The Simpsons. The Fox News Network is a cable news channel. The latter is where you’d find programming such as “Fox & Friends” and “Hannity.” While the FCC licenses and regulates over-the-air broadcasts, it has no authority over cable news channels.
No such license exists, and none has ever existed.
FoxNews is a cable-only channel and requires no licensing of any kind to exist.
More’s the pity.
Thanks for the clarification. I guess all that can occur are less in carriage fees from cable providers and more lawsuits for the endless lies spewed by Fox “News.”
He would still have the power to drop their programs from his network…not that he would, of course
The majority of Fox News programming is not “news” per se, it’s “opinion programs”, so they have been getting away with lies for years with "some people are saying. . . " and "It might be that. . . " qualifying language to give themselves some kind of defense. I’m sure this lawsuit won’t stop that, it’s just that they will limit to public figures and politicians instead of private companies or non-celebrities.
Isn’t there a license that needs to be revoked? And maybe Murdochs citizenship can be revoked as well.
I have a question: why doesn’t the U.S, gov’t revoke Murdoch’s citizenship?
- Gosh; I hope a severe finger-wagging accompanies a sternly worded letter.
- Only suing, jail-time, and public humiliation—together or separately—can make the RightWing Noise Machine slow down.
- Really, the Dems need an organized, tough, Media-Response Team that controls narratives and prevents the GQP from dominating memes, journalistic themes, and word-choice.
- Why does the White House give FOX a White House Press Pass? A legit Press would not steal things from a Biden campaign to give to Jared.
FOX does not know how to do that.
Ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha
He shouldn’t have gotten it in the first place. He just needed citizenship so he could own American broadcast facilities.
It’s kind of like manufacturing going overseas.
Except the opposite : - )
Cable channels do not have nor need licenses.
Denaturalization can happen only if a citizen improperly received citizenship when they were not eligible for it or if they committed fraud to get citizenship.
I can bet this will be reported tonight on their prime time shows as crybaby whining…
Can you picture it?
I think that’s already begun, has it not? And the deposition has already been made public.
I don’t know that it’s made a whole lot of difference but, admittedly, I don’t watch their programs on Faux, so I may never know.
And be the better for it…
Don’t forget ‘Just asking questions’…
It’s hard to believe that Congress has no power to stop a cable network from inciting sedition and insurrection. Is Congress that weak? They referred Trump and his criminal gang for prosecution by the DOJ. Why can’t they do the same for Fox?