Schiff Dismisses Trump’s ‘Absurd’ Claim Of Declassifying Docs

It is amazing the latitude he was granted. He should have had someone (edited) humanely keeping him face down on the pavement at the very first instance while they emptied his various residences.

ETA: He said so himself while he was prez…something about they knew how to deal with this kind of thing in the old days.


Not that it would make a difference in the outcome but I bet that’s his argument at trial.


I’m pretty sure he is going down for the 793E espionage.
According to some top secrete vault experts, sensitive document are*> never ever>* stored in a leather case; acid free boxes only. Presuming he wanted something pretty to show off his pretties.
Secondly, no one without TS clearance is allowed to even view these documents, Pratel, Soloman, et. al, were hired as ‘historians’ so presumably they have seen some of this stuff.
The espionage act does not distinguish between classified or unclassified; only ‘national interests’ are important.
This is how the US government is able to imprison corporate employees who are trying to sell corporate secrets to a foreign body.


“Strip mall lawyers” = Saul Goodman = “its all good man”


In particular, this week’s assertion by one of trump’s mouthpieces that “every document that he carried off with him” was declassified, by definition, is so absurd that only a MAGAt could believe it.

And Presidents don’t get to simply declare nuclear weapon data “unclassified”, just as an example. At ANY level.


And on queue, or Q? MAGAts rally at Bedminster. One sign reads
“May Pres. Trump, family, be surrounded by the full armor of God,
May no weapon formed against them prosper, but boomerang against the offenders. In Jesus name. Amen.”


That might be his hail-Mary attempt in court if they prosecute him. Keep appealing until it gets to six justices on the Supreme Court (one or more who may have been complicit in the coup attempt back on J6) and see if they just summarily rule that Twitler is still President. Make good on the banana republic meme that the Twisslerings are claiming is what all this is.

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I never said the political aspect is not relevant.

Rep. Schiff was being purely legalistic when he “pointed out that in the warrant, the statutes the DOJ are asserting do not require information to be classified.” I was simply making the same purely legalistic point about the other Trump/GOP red herring. If the DoJ brings an action against Trump the success of its case will be determined by purely legalistic standards.

You rightfully note that trying to change the addled minds of die hard Trump supporters is to play a loser game. If your target audience is “a wider population of Trump-adjacents that may hate Democrats but will not easily stomach this,” then I prefer to credit them with the ability and willingness to be informed by fact rather than a tit-for-tat PR war.


How funny! Just like Katrina van den Heuvel.


Of course they’re Trumps to do with as he wishes. We didn’t elect a regular old POTUS on 11/08/16, we elected Orange Julius, Emperor Extraordinaire, Master of all he surveys.


For the record, the boxes were reportedly kept in a “storage room” which, when the first tranche was taken, HAD NO LOCKS on the door.

So we know that for at least a year, ALL of this stuff, the fifteen boxes that already are known to have contained classified AND the current 28 or more additional boxes seized by the FBI last week, ditto, were in a public part of Maralago, in an unlocked room.


Yesterday, Rand Paul was making this exact argument:


Nah, it was his Top Secret Documents De-classifier Pin!


So the Tramp just waved his wand (keep it clean) and all Federal documents that he
took upon leaving office were instantly declassified.

It’s magic.


Yeah, but who, or how many are ready, willing, and able to step and claim that they forgot to do the paperwork for Orange Julius?
Just remember Meadows hid out in his office on J6th, rather than be of service.


Only Donnie and his criminal cronies.


The red-hunting of the 1950s was particularly disgusting.


Trump is actually being modest in his claims of the presidential power to declassify by fiat, anywhere, anytime.

A president also can, unilaterally and at any time, even after the fact, change the official results of pennant and World Series games. Trump is an extraordinarily modest and generous person, so he has not so far made use of this power that all presidents have, and have forever after, but that all changes tomorrow. Trump will announce that all those bookies who made piles of his cash over the years by obviously fixing all those pennant and World Series games after they took his bets, are going to be legally required to hand back their ill-gotten gains. The sums involved exceed the annual GDP of many nations.


Heh. Apropos of nothing, tomorrow wil be the thrilling concluding episode of “Better Call Saul”. It’s titled “Saul Gone.”


Damn, Rand’s a Wobbly now?!?!

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