The post is about Bernie’s Washington Post comment, which in my view, was
fairly innocuous, but it is certainly grist for the Anti-Bernie mill, who will try
to whip it into a frenzy. That is why Bernie tamped in down a bit.
But really what these posts about Bernie reveal is an ongoing discussion
about the direction of the Democratic Party and the prospects for a
Democratic Victory against Trump.
So, in my view, without calling any of the candidates schoolyard names
(grifter, etc), I support Bernie for the following reasons:
- He is most aligned with my positions and overall analysis.
- I think he has the best chance of beating Trump.
Its the best of both worlds I support a candidate who I really like and
also has a good shot at winning.
Having said that if Biden or Warren win out, I will support them strongly against Trump.
1.Bernie consistently polls strongly against Trump, and importantly gets support from
independents. His “independent” identity, so controversial here, will only help him in the general election. Will he be attacked as Socialist. Yes. But to quote a former President, “that dog won’t
hunt” anymore. Biden is a gaffe machine. Warren is starting at low numbers against Trump.
Everyone is going to have a hill to climb. I
- A candidate needs a strong, exited base of support to win. Bernie brings that to the table. To a lesser extent so does Warren. t Biden? I don’t think so. Are there excited crowds greeting Biden?
In any case, I hope that whoever gets the nod will do a better choice of VP than Hillary did.
That choice was just a door shut to progressives.
The current situation? According to the reports from Iowa, Bernie drew the largest crowds at
the Iowa Fair. He as the largest donor base by far than anyone else in Iowa. And the poll that
I criticized was not Morning Consult but Monmouth. It is fair to look into the methodology, and
when I did that I found that oversampled older voters by double, and since Bernie consistently
polls best with younger voIters, I felt this poll may be an outlier. I am not “Trumpeting” other
polls but I mention them because they give the opposite result than the monmouth poll, and
there are several just coming out showing Bernie nationally a strong second and first in NH.
So we will see. I would like to have discussion here on TPM without resorting to
name calling.