White House officials were impressed by Labor Secretary Alex Acosta’s “lawyerly” performance during a press conference on Wednesday afternoon, in which he outlined his role in Jeffrey Epstein’s 2008 sweetheart deal for sex abuse crimes and took questions from reporters for almost a full hour.
Be arrogant and admit no wrong and Trump will approve. It won’t be long before a WH cabinet member gives a press conference saying “I killed him, so what? He had it coming. Now, leave me the hell alone!”
That person would almost certainly become Trump’s next chief of staff.
I didn’t see it, but it was universally described as atrocious by everyone who wrote about it. Did he cry, talk about beer and flatulence, and do other impressive, statesmanlike things?
Today I feel despair, day after day, one article after another showing us that our country has fallen down the rabbit hole with criminals, sex offenders and liars all turning us into a country of no laws. No wonder people are not paying attention, it is so depressing.
Seriously. I think many are actively blocking it out because if you follow it every day it takes its toll on our sanity and likely our physical health.
I think this is self preservation to a degree. Like putting your head down and grinding out the next year.
As long as in the end we pop our head up to vote (like in 2018) we will rid ourselves of this travesty and start to rebuild.
I don’t think it’s as easy as voting to turn things around unless the whole Rethug party can be obliterated and you know it won’t. That’s only one of the big discouragements in all of this, the party of enablers and obstructionists and people just go along.
There were a lot of threads to pull in his testimony yesterday. A good print journalist will have a lot to follow-up on. I give him until the end of next week. Just wait for some more polling numbers to trickle in.
The hard line Cuban exiles frown on Boofing and related practices. However, they are good with drinking beer until you black out. And flatulence, definitely ok, big part of Alpha 66’s initiation tests .
We had to give a Secret Non Prosecution Agreement to the Plutocrat Sexual Predator in order to ensure that he do 13 months of house arrest during which he was allowed to go to his office every day. This was a great achievement for US Attorney Acosta. Real resume builder there.