Ruth Bader Ginsburg: ‘I Am Very Much Alive’

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recalled with a smile to NPR a senator, whose name she’s forgotten, gleefully predicting her death after one of her brushes with cancer.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

“The court has no troops at its command, doesn’t have the power of the purse, and yet time and again, when the courts say something, people accept it.”

A hold-my-beer moment for Trump.

Then again, he doesn’t drink.


Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recalled with a smile to NPR a senator, whose name she’s forgotten, gleefully predicting her death after one of her brushes with cancer.

Though I have an idea who the senator is, have fun with your guesses. #watchingnaitovsishii

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Stay strong, and alive, and on the bench, Justice RBG.


Live long and prosper.


I’m continually amazed at the abuse Justice Ginzburg gets from the right, not just from corporate types but ordinary people. She spent much of her working life before and now during SCOTUS fighting for the rights of ordinary people, e.g. a man’s ability to get his wife’s Social Security after her untimely death so that he could spend quality time with his traumatized toddler. Hard to believe that people who are so antagonistic towards her would not have welcomed for themselves what she did for that family. The Fox News crowd has really done a job on this country.


I agree with Justice Ginsberg that Democrats, should they win the presidency and take control of the Senate in 2020 should not expand the Supreme Court. Rather, as deficit reduction move that cannot be filibustered, Democrats should reduce the size of the Supreme Court and perhaps all federal Courts using Federal Government Reduction in Force (RIF) procedures laying off the most recent appointees.


Need I point out that RBG is alive. And the Senator is not.


You can have one of my lungs any time you need it, Ms. Justice Ginsburg. Live long and prosper. I want to see you as CJ one day.

With this Court – and it’s just getting started – I’m not sure how much longer this will hold. Moreover, given the slightest opening, the current regime will put the ghosts of Roger Taney and Henry Brown on the bench (or their current Fed Society incarnations), and all bets will be off. We ain’t going back to the Dred Scott or Plessy days.