Russia’s Assault On Ukraine Continues | Talking Points Memo

The long-brewing Ukraine crisis exploded early Thursday morning when Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Strikes began around the country immediately following Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s declaration of a “special military operation” for — as he put it — the “demilitarization and denazification” of the country.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I suspect that Putin has greatly overplayed his hand in this invasion and will get seriously burned as a result. We’ll see.


Sadly, I think Putin can take Ukraine and install a puppet government without the world doing anything more than sanctions.


I definitely think that’s what he thinks.


Canada is so glad the TFG is no longer President.


The US was able to take Iraq and install a puppet government with no sanctions at all.


In one particularly uncomfortable exchange, Trump seemed to misunderstand that Russians — not Americans — had launched an amphibious attack and started questioning why Ingraham was exposing “secret” maneuvers on TV.

Lest this leave any doubt as to where Trump’s real allegiances lie…


“No, that was the Russians,” Ingraham interrupted."

Beat me to it.
Was going to offer: ‘All the same to him.’


Allegiances, plural, yes.

  1. Himself
  2. Money
  3. Himself
  4. Keeping under wraps whatever kompromat Putin has on him
  5. His ego (deserves its own category)
  6. That manly-man feeling when he contemplates use of military force

Trump’s tether to reality is bound by hate, $$$$$$$ and the ability to corrupt weak people.


In one particularly uncomfortable exchange, Trump seemed to misunderstand that Russians — not Americans — had launched an amphibious attack and started questioning why Ingraham was exposing “secret” maneuvers on TV.

“No, that was the Russians,” Ingraham interrupted.

Isn’t it about time to put a real man back in the White House? One who understands that facts and knowledge are overrated?


Well, sure, but you should note two things:

  1. One nuclear power getting into a shooting war with another nuclear power is, everyone agrees, not a thing that should be done, because the loser has little motivation not to try to become the winner.

  2. Against Russia, and it’s Oligarchs, sanctions are not trivial matters. That could conceivably cause a revolution on the ground in Russia, and, at the very least, it will deprive those oligarchs of the lifestyle to which they’ve become quite thoroughly accustomed. Throwing Russia out of SWIFT is basically an existential threat.


BiDen’s PULL out was weak. FOrgot to TAKE his ViagrA. Trump haS BEAUTIFUL fuLL ON wooD all the TIME. NO need for viagra.


Absolutely agree with point number one. I’m not calling for the US to go hot with Russia. I’m not convinced that sanctions will stop him.


I hear ya, but honestly, anyone who doubted it after “Russia, if you’re listening …” or any of the numerous examples of DT sucking up to Vlad probably won’t be convinced by this.


Possibly, at least for a while. It won’t be easy for him, though, for at least a couple of reasons:

  1. Ukrainians clearly don’t want Russia controlling their country. Putin’s puppet government will likely face an endless and costly guerrilla war against his puppet government for as long as he tries to maintain it. This could be Russia’s next Afghanistan, and I think we all remember how well that went for them.

  2. Putin has been able able to get away with much of what he’s done largely because he’s been able to sew so much division and discontent within and among all of the other countries who might oppose him. By invading the Ukraine, Putin has managed to undo much of that in that he’s united nearly every other country against him.

Putin is a kleptocrat who runs a kleptocracy and he wants to keep the rest of the world as chaotic as possible so he can continue to rob everyone without much consequence. In invading the Ukraine, he’s united the world against him. That can’t end well for him.


"Ukraine Claims Use Of Javelins Against Russian Armor Column

“But one of the most interesting — and dangerous — dynamics in this conflict is the presence of NATO-supplied weapons on the Ukrainian side. That includes Javelins, the U.S.-produced anti-tank missile system.”

I’m sorry but this is no time for timidity. Ukraine is facing this madman alone. NATO should, without question, be continuing to provide military supplies to the Ukrainian military for as long as it is possible to do so.


Big question for me is the internet side of the war. Russia disabled Ukrainian web sites in the runup to invasion. Will NATO/EU take action against russian internet-accessible assets, and what will the blowback look like? (Or will putin be stupid enough to launch internet-based attacks on other countries, in which case he is in for an even more interesting time. Remember that europeans have penetrated the St Petersburg troll/hacking operation on at least one occasion that we know of publicly.)


He won’t get nearly as seriously burned as the poor shlubs in the tanks hit by javelins.
Body bags going back to Russian moms won’t be a good thing.


Sure, different type of burn, and each casualty is horrific but horror is inevitable when a madman has a shitload of dangerous toys. The best thing we can probably hope for at this point is that Russians are squeezed to the point that a few former friends manage to drag Vlad out to a dark alley and show him what they think of their newfound poverty,