Rudy Giuliani gave his first interview on Thursday following the FBI searches of his home and office, telling Fox News host Tucker Carlson that the DOJ had “spied on me.”
It’s like a mob lawyer saying that his retainer with his mob clients includes a stipulation that no work he does for them can be considered mob lawyering so it’s all totally legal.
Giuliani added that “I’ve had contracts in countries like Ukraine, in the contract there is a clause that says I will not engage in lobbying or foreign representation.”
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.
And then Rudy – fully protected – went out and lobbied like hell.
This sounds suspiciously similar to the Gaetz defence: “I may have whored myself out to foreign interests, but I’d never stoop so low as to lobby for one and it clearly says so in the contract so nay ah.”
Trump and Barr created a phalanx of interference for habitual law breaking that had no consequences for Rudy,Flynn,Montfort etc. Now, we see how our " nation of laws" works out for the sleaze that has had too many chances…