Rubio Joins Group Of GOP Senators Who Are Finally Calling Biden ‘President-Elect’ | Talking Points Memo

The Wisconsin Elections Commission says President Trump’s campaign will have to pay $7.9 million in advance if it wants a recount of the state’s razor-thin presidential race.

Whaddya bet there’s no recount in Wisconsin?


I found the cite earlier today for the rules and laws surrounding the WI recount.

Ain’t no way around it. Pony up or go home.

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Look how much bigger his hand is than the water bottle!

GOP can end this by congratulating Biden and demanding that the GSA ascertain and commence the Transition. Anything less is simply disposable trash.

GOP is tiptoeing towards recognizing Biden for a few reasons: 1. Trump is losing badly in court, 2. Karl Rove has gotten involved in the GA Senate races and he’s trying to wrest control of the party from Trump/Trumpism by trying to prove that an appeal to anti-Trump suburbanites can net them wins and that Trump is a drag for both candidates. There is a bit of confusion among the GOP as to the balance between what is required to drive high turnout of WWC voters in smaller counties and getting a sufficient level of suburban support. The Dems are not confused about what it takes to win in GA. It’s a question of driving up minority turnout and keeping the 29%-30% of whites who voted for Biden.


Intra party squabbles. Inter is between them and us.


The disposable trash is a good representation of the last four years, which is why I don’t think anyone will move on this until the full certifications are completed at the State level. Here’s the thing: he’s picking on WI and PA. Wisconsin has strict laws on recounts. The margin does not fall within the ‘get out of jail free’ no-cost recount he wants. Costs are in the high single millions, which he doesn’t have, and he’s running out of time to get it from his marks, the minions.

PA is not playing either.

The only hope he has is faithless electors and demands on GOP governors to change that balance in the EC. Some have already gone on record saying no.

He’s going to hold on until the process runs its course, however long that takes. And even then, he’ll go to his grave insisting that he won.

The GOP on the other hand has bigger problems to deal with. F’rinstance, what’s to say that Trump doesn’t pull a Teddy Roosevelt and create a third party, siphoning votes off from the GOP in 2024 (if he’s still alive, of course)? There is a precedent there and it would definitely be expensive for the Republicans if Trump starts peeling off his minions, makes a run (as he’s promised) in 2024, and deeply divides the Right Wing.

The GOP is seeing the writing on the wall with all of this contention from Trump. They’re starting to see the potential damage of continuing the charade. I still see a lot of support for continuing the charade from the voters, but the politicians have a lot riding on bring this to an abrupt and conclusive end.


Pay ahead? Cashier’s check?

How about a fourth-party bad check written on a page from “Art of the Deal”? It’s worked for every other Trump Campaign expense.

Nope. Cash only. Otherwise, the check bounces and we’re on the hook.

You win the Pullet Surprise.


How dare you! HE’S DONALD TRUMP!

Cash up front. How insulting!

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“Right now, it looks like it will be President Biden,” Rounds said when asked about Trump’s legal woes. “We understand that.”

I love how they say at the moment it looks a certain way, but this is the Double Jeopardy round where scores can really change. Fuck you, Rounds. Right now.

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“Right now, it looks like it will be President Biden,” Rounds said when asked about Trump’s legal woes. “We understand that.”

Meanwhile mad king Trump is parading around stark naked but his minions are too afraid of the petty little tyrant to tell him the truth.

Yep - and his reputation of stiffing people precedes him.

In G-d we trust; all others pay cash.

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Don’t pullet your punches…

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For the record:

46 States have already reported in that there is no evidence of fraud or anything else with this election.

“Four states, Indiana, Montana, New York, and Texas, did not respond to request for comment.”


And then there’s this:

With Grassley in quarantine, this nomination is in jeopardy. Good.


You’re right. Might be counterfeit. Payment in gold only, chump. Verified.

I think the GOP Senators need to have several urgent meetings on this. In small rooms. With no masks.

Now you’re just pulling my leghorn.

Adderall is a hell of a drug!

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