RonJon Wants To Know: Why Is The Government Rushing To Vaccinate Everyone? | Talking Points Memo

As a non constituent I would like know is this an act, has he always been this dumb/gullible, or early onset of dementia and no one can tell because he’s always been this obtuse?


He votes like Moscow Mitch tells him to. What else does he need to know?


Because his brain has been melted by right-wing media. I think a few of them are smart enough to just embrace the Fox News Cinematic Universe cynically, but for the most part – particularly for the numbskulls like RonJon – they really believe that shit.


I have a friend who’s a very, very bright guy, but he loves cryptozoology stuff, sasquatches and so forth. I was thinking about him once and decided the world is simply a more interesting place to him if he lets himself believe such things. And I think for most of the wingnuts it’s the same thing. It’s just more gratifying to abandon any trust in evidence and simply apply your pinhead ideology to everything that happens. Why should we hurry to vaccinate everyone in the midst of a deadly pandemic? Think about it! I have questions!


The Wisconsin host replied: “Please trust the government? The guy can’t figure out what flavor of pudding he wants for lunch.”

Falstaff: Is not my hostess of the tavern a most sweet wench?

Prince Harry: As the honey of Hybla, my old lad of the castle. And is not a buff jerkin a most sweet robe of durance?


Yup. That’s kinda a main goal.

Do your civic duty or fuck off.


As a non constituent I would like know is this an act, has he always been this dumb/gullible, or early onset of dementia and no one can tell because he’s always been this obtuse?

I always thought he was a bench warmer with nothing impressive or important to say. Must be the Trump Effect b/c that’s all I can come up with. But still, how does he go from unimportant senator to MTG crazy?


“I see no reason to be pushing vaccines on people”

There are 500,000 or so families in this country alone who would beg to differ.

This is beyond fucking retarded. Fuck you, WI.


“Until we get the first shipments of Sputnik from Russia, then I’m all over it.”


If we are doing dumbest Senators, I have to nominate Oklahoma’s own Jim Inhofe. I covered him when I was a young reporter…first when he ran for Governor in 1974, and later in '78 and '79 as mayor of Tulsa. In a 35 year career, I covered hundreds if not thousands of politicians, and none was dumber than Inhofe. You could look into his blue eyes and see clear to the back of his skull. He gained national attention when he brought that snowball into the senate to prove there is no climate change.

He is my nominee, but then I’ve neve met Mo-Ron Johnson in person.


RonJon, preacher of supersitious ignorance frosted with rank stupidity.
If White supremacists look for evidence (ha!) they’d better stay away from RonJon. He’s the poster boy for rich White stupidity.


Ok I’ll admit I’m like a dog with a bone, but I really haven’t heard squat from Republicans about COVID in other countries, besides blaming China.
I haven’t heard about anyone’s concern for India, you know the second (?) largest manufacturers of drugs. Or how are we helping to get people in poorer countries the vaccine.
The only thing I hear from Republican with regards to COVID outside the US is that Biden is releasing all these COVID infected people that cross the border without documentation into the US population.


What manner of psychosis is this? How can it be countered and stopped? Closing in on 600k Americans dead…3 million globally…who looks at those very real statistics and conjures up " conspiricy"? Who votes for these despicable crackpots?


A lot of these guys have sterling educations and their native intelligence isn’t really up for debate. But Inhofe, yeah, he might really be a truly dumb guy.



The crazy thing is, as stupid as RonAnon is, he actually beat Russ Feingold . . . twice!


"The guy can’t figure out what flavor of pudding he wants for lunch.”

But RonJon…he knows exactly what kind of pudding he wants at all times.

“So if you have a vaccine, quite honestly what do you care if your neighbor has one or not? What is it to you?”

He asked after watching a pandemic kill 550K of our fellow countrymen, bring the economy to a halt, destroy countless small businesses and jobs and while in the midst of his own ranting that he doesn’t like the need for masking and lockdowns…


Bottom line: he’s fucking mad as hell that the pandemic wasn’t allowed to kill off enough minorities.




Or is this just, as someone upthread, suggested an act to curry favor with the screwballs?

I guess we’ll find out in 18 months when we elect a Senator.