Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) expressed his dismay with the Trump administration’s handling of growing fears surrounding the global spread of the Coronavirus while speaking to reporters on Capitol Hill Tuesday afternoon.
Mitt would do well to offer full-throated demands that the president stop tweeting and ensure that the nation has the money and expertise for a robust infectious disease response, but grading on the Republican curve, he gets an A-plus.
" Romney reportedly said during the briefing that he’s “very disappointed in the degree to which we’ve prepared for a pandemic” and that “we should be pulling out all the stops.”"
Right after we cut taxes again for the uber-rich though…
The more autocratic the regime, the greater the degree of denial about the seriousness of epidemics and the poorer the national preparation and response. Trump thinks COVID-19 is just bad cold. Kudlow’s spin-doctoring is dangerous and appalling. Once it becomes a pandemic in the US, expect bigtime fear-mongering, “yellow-peril” bullshit, and scapegoating of Mexicans and Muslims.
He would. But since he’s both simultaneously trying to show himself as the reasonable alternative in case Trump strokes himself to death in the next six months, and trying to avoid actually putting himself in danger, he won’t.
Romney - “I mean, isn’t it terribly reckless to be managing it all in such a haphazard way - really - there is no guarantee that it will only afflict the poor and minorities… what if it … gasp… impacts people we really care about ?”
Mitt here’s someone who is REALLY,REALLY dissapointed in the response.
" Under normal circumstances, Azcue said he would have gone to CVS for over-the-counter medicine and fought the flu on his own, but this time was different. As health officials stressed preparedness and vigilance for the respiratory illness, Azcue felt it was his responsibility to his family and his community to get tested for novel coronavirus, known as COVID-19."