Roberts Issues Rare Public Rebuttal To Trump Call For Impeaching Judges

John Roberts gets to see the results of his illegitimate overwriting of the Constitution. Let’s see how soon he wakes up to what he’s done.


My thought as well.

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Roberts’ statement is better than nothing … but he already let the genie out of the bottle, with the presidential immunity decision that emboldened Trump - that decision was like giving a match and a can of gasoline to an arsonist.


For more than two centuries it’s also been established that Congress, not a president, has the power of the purse, and that no one, including a president, is above the law, John. And we don’t see you giving much of a crap about those. So your words here ring a little hollow to me, and I’ll bet they ring more than a little hollow to Donny J Trump, too. You might be on the verge of reaping what you’ve sown with regard to presidential powers, you hypocritical jerk.


I think you are all giving Roberts too much credit.

To translate: “Don’t sweat this guy. We’re about to shut down TROs altogether.”

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Notice what he didn’t say, I.e., that court rulings must be followed


Roberts allowed this to happen along with the other 5 assholes on the corrupted court


That profile in courage, that man of the hour, our chief justice…


A dictator does not need the courts, or a Supreme Court”. I thought they would have figured that out before they gave him immunity from all of his crimes. Good luck trying to claw that back.


I see defenestration in Robert’s future. How dare he dislodge his tongue from the King’s rectum!


Poor leopard. He’s gonna need to go on Ozempic by the time we get TMF out of office.


Who’s going to make the arrest? He took over the DOJ.


C’mon, be fair - he did have Congress pass a bill saying that there will be no more days this session, so it’s ALL legal! :roll_eyes:

(And it’s time to order another batch of roll_eyes emojis, running low over here - this is as close as I can get… :rooster: )

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I heard a rumor that Roberts was so upset, he called Susan Collins to borrow a set of pearls to clutch.


Roberts has to start with a mild statement. Let’s see if he ups the volume when Trump calls for his impeachment. I think this may the start of something. At least I hope so.


Of course they will, as soon as there is a Democratic President (which may take a while). As in all things, IOKIFYAR


On Monday, a Minnesota State Senator made headlines as he introduced a bill to label “Trump Derangement Syndrome” as a mental illness.

Hours later, he was arrested.

Senator Justin Eichorn was arrested Monday night around 6 p.m. for allegedly soliciting a minor for prostitution, according to a statement from the Bloomington Police Department
n 2021 he objected to a bill requiring Minnesota schools to teach about sexual orientations and gender identities, saying “before you know it, they’ll be reading kids ‘50 Shades of Grey.’ This discussion is better had at a more mature age.”


Minnesota lawmaker accused of soliciting a minor same day he introduced ‘***** Derangement Syndrome’ bill

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About fucking time. Roberts needs to request an enlargement of the US Marshals Service and space from the Bureau of Prisons for all the DoJ assholes he is going to have to lock up for Contempt of Court. He also needs to revisit that disastrous SCOTUS decision from last June. He has unleashed a tyrant and he needs to put Trump back in his box.

The lukewarm quality of CJ Roberts’s statement must be attributed to its not being ex cathedra. Perhaps he will be hotter (if only perceived as such by those wearing lawyer-glasses) when he issues an opinion on the unlawful acts, obviously a very small fraction of them, that might reach his exalted chamber. We live in hopes, as my late father would say, often somewhat forlornly.