RNC Chair Says Trump Will Be Holding ‘Full Rallies’ Soon | Talking Points Memo

I’m sure the campaign is already hiring the buses to bring the willing in from all over the country.



Hey I’m literal, and you can be sometimes way too deadpan for me. :woman_shrugging:

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Maybe the Beatles were singing “When I’m 64”!


And since GOP States are denying the virus as a reason for a paper ballot, they’ll all be sequestered or in hospital, thereby deprived of their vote.


Your trademarked one word answer: Yes.

Apologies to the founder of the trademarked one word answer.

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I take full responsibility.


But if the protesters do get the virus, those that survive (probably most of them) will live to fight another day, simply because they are younger.

The demographics on this virus is that people like me and older (over 60) don’t do so well with it. That’s not to say that younger don’t take it on the chin too, but the percentages are far fewer.

And many of the protesters did wear masks. I can bet, without optics, that masks will probably be banned at the Trump rallies.

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There is a difference between “asymptomatic carriers” (those who never show symptoms) and “presymptomatic carriers” (those who are not showing symptoms at the time but then develop symptoms). See Did the WHO just say that asymptomatic people with COVID-19 don’t transmit the coronavirus?

And I wish I could say I’m baffled.

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I’m eagerly looking forward to:
Tasteless jokes about “gladly letting George Floyd take a knee”
Unbridaled and venal support for police brutality, spouted with full wood.
Excremental insults flung at Michigan’s female Gov and AG
Petulant refusal of polls showing him losing (ie: ALL polls)
Bragging about…well about…well…his unfinished wall?

Never stop digging, Donny!

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I really wish TPM hired an editor. This error is just too glaring.

The proper term is


Come on, folks.

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A couple of observations:

  1. Is there evidence that rallies actually improve his standing in the polls? I realize that they are just trying to placate him, but what would they do if the data shows that rallies actually hurt him? Who is going to explain it?
  2. Here in OK, our Lt. Gov. is trying to attract the GOP convention. I guess after the crash of the oil market and the economic downturn associated with the virus we still have plenty of money to provide the crowd control and security. :flushed:
    I’m interested in where they would hold the convention. OKC is building a new convention center, and the old one is still usable. They might not want to highlight the OKC Bombing Memorial. Tulsa would be my pick (especially since I live in OKC) but they might not want to highlight the disaster he has been to the oil industry.
  3. Is it just me, or does it look as if the GOP convention is going to make the 1968 Dems look like a garden party?

Some people harness their personal demons to activities which look and sound like normal adult activities.

In this case, a candidate appearing at a campaign rally.

However, Trump’s particular mental illness compels him to stage such a rally even though it is harmful for everyone (even Trump).

There was a film called Salvador in which an award-winning photographer took an extremely dangerous photograph which ultimately resulted in his death…his personal demon not Trumpian NPD, but (probably) PTSD from having covered so many battles and gruesome combat deaths.

The reason Ronna McDaniel is sociopathic is that she KNOWS the damage to everyone that these rallies will cause and she is a willing and, in fact, gleeful accomplice


The curious thing about “normal” is that just when you think you know what it is, . . .

. . . it changes.

Teh Horror!

And I guess she also has to make up for her father’s glaring error (in the eyes of Trump) for marching with the movement on Sunday. She has to do something to right that ship.

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This crowd isn’t the “old white racists watching Fox News” demographic so often mentioned here. These fools will be around for the next fifty years. Covid won’t thin them out all that much. And they will stuff their kids into the mold.

Yeah, but the epidemiological goal right now out to be getting transmission down to less than one transmission per person, and large crowds will help ensure that does not happen. Instead, the newly infected will be able to further spread the virus throughout their communities.

Many! Far too few, but at least a majority (guesstimate) took that basic precaution.

No need to formally ban them, as the MAGA set already view masks as being for pussies, and anybody who dared to wear one would promptly be shamed or forced into taking it off.

