Frequently used stock footage from Monty Python.
Naw, they’re just trying to placate Dear Leader, who desperately wants to be amongst adoring worshippers vice hiding from protesters in his bunker.
Someone – I wish I could give proper credit – recently referred to the “socially distanced inaugural crowd” Trump had in 2017.
Great. Way to snuff out the remote possibility of getting the upper hand on the spread of the virus, or of any normalcy returning soon. No concerts, fans at sporting events, or in-person schooling at least until sometime in 2021.
Seems at odds with the supposed goal of making people feel safe in public and getting all aspects of the economy back on track. What a strategist…
That’s brilliant. …except for the no mask part.
Let me guess … the Beatles on the Ed Sullivan Show in '64?
Monty Python.
Frequently used stock footage from Monty Python.
The Women’s Institute:
The film was taken from a Women’s Institute meeting and was sometimes presented with a color tint.[9] It was often shown after a bit that such women would’ve likely found inappropriate.
A small price to pay for freedumb.
I suspect that Donnie has been watching all the crowds on the teevee and decided that if they can do it, he can do it too.
Antifa Ladies Guild
I shouldn’t find this so damn funny, but I do. I can’t help it. This is so fucking stupid that it simply becomes comical. The fact that they think the rallies are going to save him is extra hilarious. The rallies were one thing when he was just a candidate, but now that he’s president it’s going to look particularly bad when he’s holding rallies as we cross over the 200,000 death count or when the first rally related outbreak occurs. It’s just another set of ads that write themselves.
McCarthy hearings.
Let’s see how many of the usual aging, overweight Trump supporters show up for his rallies.
I bet they are (rightfully) too scared of virus transmission to do so.
If you haven’t already done so, now would be a prudent time to uninvite your racist uncle from Thanksgiving dinner.
If he does have rallies, they will be very entertaining (just for a couple of minutes or so).
Especially when the cameras pan back, or there’s an aerial view, showing how few people are actually there. When it comes down to it, many Trump supporters are not as stupid as to risk their own lives and those of their loved ones. Yelling at a rally, not wearing a mask? I don’t think he’ll get the attendance numbers he’s looking for, but, hey, I didn’t think he’d win the presidency, either.
This is good news. Trump’s streams of semi-consciousness do nothing but damage with the majority of the electorate. Campaign staff will be following this shit parade all summer.
He was happy about the demonstrations when he thought he could use them to take the focus away from the pandemic.
Now he’s trying to put the focus back on the pandemic.
But has he noticed that it’s overwhelmingly young people at the BLM rallies? and that they are outdoors?
Maybe if his campaign can organize big outdoor rallies with exuberant young MAGA hats, it will work.
We seem to be of two minds. Virus is going up in red/rural/exurb places where the virus is a hoax and masks are a sign of government overreach, down in urban/suburban areas where people are More educated, are careful with distancing, and wear masks.
E.g, I live in San Francisco, we have had 43 deaths, which is roughly 50 deaths/million people.
Bay Area overall a slightly higher death rate - and note we started earlier. But the death rate is 120/ million in California, with most of those deaths being in Southern California, and especially red exurban counties (riverside, imperial, parts of orange) which are much more Republican. And that is now where the disease is spreading. Places like Kevin McCarthy’s district in Bakersfield.
The virus hit blue areas first, because blue areas have more tighter spaces and more movement, and the cdc/federal guidance was a total failure at first, so people did not know to/were unable to protect themselves,leading to high death rates. But now it is spreading in red areas, and they can blame not just trump, but themselves for the deaths.
And tell him why.