The Republican National Committee is bringing Donald Trump’s Non-Citizen voting myth—a baseless narrative and an increasingly rabid area of fixation for Republicans headed into 2024—to the Arizona courts.
I agree with geography Jones. Perhaps we should call it law washing (like green-washing) If someone files a complaint, some voters may think that there is something to the complaint. Arizona Republicans want it in the news because their research says that that will be a way to capture voters.
It reminds me of Fox News grasping at straws to rescue The Criminal Ex President from his own actions. Then Trump Says that Fox News defended him this way or that way. Then they think that that is multiple evidence that confirms each other.
This idiocy will last until election day and beyond. Idiot votes count as much as smart votes. In the end, this strategy will not work, in my opinion. Arizona Republicans need to expand The number of Republican voters rather than solidify the base which that was unable to get their candidate elected in 2020.
I disagree with the “clever” part but agree with “rouse the racist rabble to the poles.”
I think that is exactly it. I would add that to win, Republicans need to suppress everyone not White. That is among legal voters, the racist rabble is not enough to win elections.
But to your point to “rouse the racist rabble”, most election deniers realize that of the votes cast, Trump lost. Their problem is that in their view only White votes count. Therefore, as you said, Republicans need to “rouse the racist rabble to the poles” but also suppress the votes of the not racist rabble.
Read the excerpt from the interview and Romney sounds like an imbecile. When asked why Biden should/would pardon Trump, the best Romney could utter: It would make Biden the “big guy” and Trump the lil guy… or some such nonsense.
Mitt Romney’s Senior Moments captured on a willing mic.
Yet, according to the NY Times, et al., trumpy is raking in the hispanic vote like nobody ever before. Why would they want to disenfranchise his own shiny, new voting bloc? Unless those polls are shite and they know it.
Or cover for the never-ending shitshow they intend to perpetuate, starting with vicious bigots at the polls and the cops already don’t care because they believe the same happy crap.
Thank God for cameraphones. It is very much the 50s in new-style jeans out there.
If there were any justice the Rethugliklans filing these frivolous lawsuits would be declared vexatious litigants and fined millions of dollars for wasting the courts’ time.
. . . (CNN has confirmed that “no audience will be present” at its debate.) Biden doesn’t want one; Trump wrote on Truth Social that’s because “Biden is supposedly afraid of crowds.”
That’s certainly not the reason. Biden, an inveterate glad-hander, loves nothing more than trying to win over a crowd with his accusations of “malarkey” and beaming chompers. It would be more accurate to say that Trump is afraid of not having a crowd. In fact, the Biden campaign is hoping to deprive him of one in order to throw him off his game.
Mitt Romney should STFU. Then he should keep STFUing until he gets to a sign that says “No STFUing past this point!”, go past the sign, and keep STFUing forever. And then STFU some more.