Right-Wingers Have A New, Very Dependable Strategy To Game The Courts. Can It Be Stopped?

You would think, based on the flurry of litigation unfolding there, that a lot of drama is going down in Amarillo, Texas. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1450242
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Talk about weaponization of government!


No kidding. Instead of claiming to speak for the silent majority the fascistgop now actively seeks out ways to game the system and silence the majority.


I’m old enough to remember the fascists howling about “activist judges.”


Yeah but the courts are sacrosanct, above reproach and infallible.
Don’t believe me?
Just ask them.


I’m still not sure why we have three levels of federal courts assigned to separate geographies to keep decisions localized as-needed, and yet one district judge can set policy for the entire country. Law historians: is this scope creep or loophole exploitation?

At any rate, this guy in Texas needs to be defanged and fast. It’s telling that even Gorsuch doesn’t like this.


I am as guilty as anyone for underestimating RWers, labeling them freely with the Stoopid tag.
But they have plenty of working grey matter. They just choose to use it for horrible things.


Looong ago, I read a series of coffee table type books about the Iran-Iraq War, put out by the Iranian government. Slick propaganda, to be sure, but I distinctly remember a particular photograph with a slogan in Arabic, al-harb, al-harb, hatta la tikun fitna fi al-alam, which roughly translates to “War, war, until there is no sedition in the world!”

This is life with the modern Republican Party, only “sedition” can be replaced by “freedom” or “liberty”. We are living under constant jihad from these rotten, putrid sonsofbitches. Every day is some awful truth about their operations, only they’re wearing suits.


Fascists no longer wear armbands and shout insane speeches. They’re reasonable, and on the side of “law and order.”


Because if you live in Seattle, it’s awfully inconvenient if you get assigned to a court in Tallahassee.


Every fascist government gets initially elected into power.


Well obviously. Hence my last clause and actual question.

and yet one district judge can set policy for the entire country. Law historians: is this scope creep or loophole exploitation?


Court Reform.

It’s needed.


It’s basic res judicata. If you get an injunction against the government that says it can’t separate immigrant kids from their asylum-seeking parents, it’s binding on the government everywhere unless and until it is reversed by an appellate court or set aside through subsequent litigation. You don’t have to serially litigate it in every district across the country that abuts an international border or hosts a DHS facility.


I am not a graphic artist but would love to be able to make a poignant diagram which shows a sort of dual conveyor belt system. One setup above the other…top one labeled R. It’s input? The R side of our divided country. The lower conveyor is labeled D. At the front end is a big hopper/funnel for each line and all the D input units have % labels, ranging from 50-100 but mostly high 80s. The R input funnel has all the same % labels on the input units, let’s say 23%.

The percent isn’t so much about intelligence, but how helpful or toxic you have been in society. How much you give or take.

The D conveyor belt output end is longer than the Rs, has a bit of a head start. The D conveyor belt produces scaffolding and building matrix and some very sturdy and solid product that has a touch of complexity and elegance. Purpose.

The R conveyor belt produces a caustic sludge that pours off its output end and covers the growing, evolving D matrix below it. The movement of the lines, of course, represents time.



Once again, the GQP knows it can’t win fairly, so it cheats. I am utterly sickened by anyone who votes for these fascists.



Republicans are running a masterclass of it.



Fuck you, Team Unicorn. Fuck you forever and ever and ever. Amen.


It’s unseemly, but our side does it too whenever possible. The more fundamental problem is that Dubya and Trump got some real shills appointed to the bench who have no regard for the facts or the law, only their favored outcomes. And like it or not, those assholes get to preside over the cases that come before them.

I would favor making D.C. the exclusive jurisdiction for any request for an injunction against the United States if the relief sought would impact anyone beyond the plaintiff(s) to the lawsuit. So you can still go to your local courthouse to stop the United States from doing bad shit against you, but you have to go to D.C. if you’re a busybody litigant looking to fuck things up for everybody else.