The first chapter of the black-and-white PDF magazine begins with an ominous warning. Over four dense pages, the anonymous writers paint a picture of “an anti-tech revolution, beginning with the annihilation of the U.S. energy grid.”
Excellent reporting and glad to see that the reporter (@hunterw) includes this: some white nationalists are accelerationist but not all Accelerationists are white nationalists; philosophy of despair, cynical nihilism, or white fever dream, it provides all a rationale for incendiary action.
While there are myriad risks to power stations, relatively simple shooting attacks from far-right white supremacist terrorists have emerged as a major threat to the grid.
AKA “White Wingers” (not the dove, Zenaida asiatica)
It’s notable that the terrorist right would adopt the writings of ‘Uncle Ted’ who was nominally coming from an so-called eco-terrorist left ideology, while there is little remaining of that movement post the ALF/ELF arsons of the late 90s and early aughts.
No wonder these boneheads want the FBI defunded.
A bunch of “True Patriots”, in their own tiny little brains, anyway.
Perhaps a nice island for exile. Attu seems to have the proper vibe.
I’m sure the FBI has infiltrated these groups a long time ago and most of them are similar to the dim bulbs who planned to kidnap Whitmer a year or so ago.
Even if one thinks there is nothing redeemable about contemporary society, taking down power stations in winter isn’t going to bring on “The Race War”. It’s just going to put ya on the Most Wanted list
Nothing? This is where my reputation as a cynic falls apart. Because I keep coming back to, “it’s broken, but it’s our job to fix it.” It’s a task that never ends, because there will always be people who are happier destroying than building or fixing.
I agree there’s a great deal that is irredeemable, but probably most of the people involved in that movement like the things I’m repelled by.
One of the properties was a house that Corrupt Clarabelle‘s mother was still living in, i.e., Crow was Mama‘s landlord. Clarabelle musta really needed the dough for something!
So if these terrorists try to take out the power grid you could just power your residence with the Elon Musk home power pod. If I were a conspiracy theorist I’d say that he was paying them.