Right-Wing Groups Want To Make Tina Peters a Big Lie Poster Child - TPM – Talking Points Memo

I thought she was already in trouble with the judge in her case for leaving the state for one of Mike Lindell’s “teach-ins” and the rule the judge put in was NO out-of-state travel?



I don’t know why anyone should care what she has to say, or who would pay any kind of money to listen to her.

She’s a failed candidate and rightfully so. Dustbin of history with her.


“Mesa County woman demands to speak to Red Lobster manager after signature cocktail kerfuffle: ‘My server refused to substitute Sierra Mist for Sprite in my Tiki Passion Punch!’ claims Karen Peters.”


Even under the Stalinists, communism was more of a fig leaf over their dictatorship.

As for Tina, she LOOKS crazy.


Another example of how bereft the RW is. They are scrabbling for someone to be the face of the revolt and they keep getting faces of the stupid. You work with what you have. :wink:


Peters is but one in a long series of deeply flawed candidates promoted by the local GOP. Not too smart and easily manipulated.

The local GOP has a pattern of promoting poor-quality candidates. As a local blogger has said, “It’s a feature, not a bug”.

It may very well be a national GOP ‘feature’, too. Think Herschel Walker …


Might be Back House Stake Out - you know, no rules, just Miranda rights.

It’s the behavior, methinks….


The point is: the Red Scare is alive and well in the US, especially in the MAGA crowd. Calling someone a Socialist or a Communist is a huge insult. It doesn’t have to make sense. After all, not much of what the MAGA crowd believes makes sense.

A MAGA is rife with cognitive dissonance. Rubbing it in their face is a good way to shock their systems so they just might see some light from the spark of the shock. Call them Putin-loving communists, and sneer when you do it. They love Putin, right? But the Red Menace, Communism, is antithetical to our beliefs, always has been. So, if they love Putin, they love Communists, but they can’t love Communists, but they love Putin (because Trump admires him)… woah, this is making me dizzy!


Looks like Tina Peters might get a golden parachute: A far-right group recently tried to raise money to send the local Colorado election clerk around the country spreading the Big Lie.

I don’t think this is gonna work for her: as I recall, her conditions of pre-trial release require she remain in state.
And, she’s already been in trouble for violating them before (for a Lindell event, I believe.)
[Once again, District Judge Matthew Barrett has denied a request by indicted Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters to leave the state. (https://www.gjsentinel.com/news/western_colorado/judge-denies-peters-travel-request/article_a225cb32-1e50-11ed-b845-bf79e034c503.html)]
ETA: @evave2 covered this above.


Bingo. Every personage of note in MAGA world is notorious for spectacular failure. Trump, of course, leads the list, but I can’t think of a single one who’s actually good at what he or she does. So notoriety from that failure is enough to be held up and celebrated.


They call that “hoist with your own petard” in Shakespeare-ese. In fairness to our extremely talented Texas attorney, it can happen to any of us.



How is Tina going to go on a speaking tour (1) if she knows nothing about it; and (2) she’s in jail?

And as for her being a current elected official, didn’t the Colorado Secretary of State relieve her of her duties due to her corruption?


She’s in a distinctive and growing tradition that runs from Bachmann to Noem and MTG. (And I have no doubt she actually is a loon.)


There’s a “certain age” for women when going sleeveless is not the right choice.

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The hour-long film, with an ominous Left Behind -esque synopsis, argues that both the 2020 election and a local municipal election back in 2021 were rigged against conservatives.

I keep having this mad thought. Stick with me here – what if election losses and bad polling are signs that you actually aren’t a majority? I know Occam’s Razor points toward a massive conspiracy, but still.


I would wager that Peters is not a pleasant-personality type of person.

Too bad…but not my problem


Is that MTG’s sister?


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