Rick Scott Makes It Pretty Obvious Republicans Are Anxious About Florida, Too

“I think it’s important we do what there’s consensus (for).”

Awesome. So gun control should be happening any day now?


Florida is eating death the way leopards eat faces.



Both wrong. It’s too easy for women to make them feel like the weak shitheels they are. That’s why they’re afraid of women.


Yes. It is sad, and it will take years, years, of hard work to fix, because party structures don’t just materialize overnight. There’s no quick fix, and for Florida, I have no comfort to offer you… but… I know a thing.

Lara Trump, (a woman who married Eric Trump, seemingly of her own free will), and some other vacuous MAGAt dirt-bag, are now in charge of the National Republican Committee. They fired everyone. Shortly, the National GOP is going to look a lot like the Democratic “organization” in Florida. I mean, it already does, but momentum will mask its rigor-mortise for a while. And, to that you can add the GOP State committees in Michigan, Wisconsin and Arizona, where the drooling crazies have replaced the professionals in pretty much all the jobs that matter.


Can we start even up to after-birth abortions? Say, up to 77-years-old or so?

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I know Scott is running behind, but I am not sure the Villages and the Cubans can be beaten in Florida. On the otherhand Scott is a lousy candidate.

In the long run I am pulling for Scott to lose.

A state where I think the Democrats can win a Senate seat is Missouri, but the Democratic party smart folk aren’t talking about Hawley at all. He is decidedly disliked and he is never going to be able to change his position on abortion (which is on the Missouri ballot this fall.) I wish Democratic leadership had some courage. They should take the money they are going to waste on Florida and spend it on a couple of states where they could make some headway.


I’m no authority on MO politics, but I follow Lucas Kunce, and he’s beating Hawley in the social media metrics, anyway.


Scott is up 7 in an Emerson poll conducted last week. As Sociosam points out above, the FL Dems have no infrastructure to seriously threaten him, and bits like Lafond’s are little more than clickbait until they do.

Also, why is Biden “sleepy” and “old,” while Trump is “weary?” FTFNYT.

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Intrastructure, did you say infrastructure? Red State Democratic Airwarriors don’t need infrastructure. All they need is a whole lot of money and access to the local television channels to put up a typical Democratic campaign in a red state. They always lose, but the money has been spent and they get to pretend they have campaigned hard.

No. Happy to Help.

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They surround themselves with peroxide and silicone but are then shocked when they find that all women do not share the adoration.

It is not so much fearing women as being terrified by what exists outside The Stepford Universe.


Republicans have learned from Texas that all they have to do is talk about what changes they would like to see to moderate the impact of draconian anti-abortion laws on affluent White women that they rabidly supported until state legislators actually passed them and Republican voters, especially the women, will convince themselves those proposed changes that are never actually legislated are the law. Or, alternately, that being in favor of moderating changes that are never proposed or passed is enough to let them ignore the whole issue by huffily claiming “I’m not a single-issue voter.”

None of their politicians, and for that matter the press, have accepted that, in most states, merely getting your own party’s voters to vote for you isn’t enough when you have enraged voters who used to stay home.


How To Turn Florida Permanently Blue

I did one of these for Arizona too

  1. Mess with ALL the brown people and their allies
  2. Mess with ALL the women and their allies
  3. Do it in a presidential election year
  4. Repeat every 4 years
  5. Never learn
  6. Special for FLA try to throw librarians and teachers in jail while Matt Gaetz isn’t
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I’ve been in TX 25 years and you know nothing.

Texas? When was the last time you won? Thirty years ago?

You don’t start the campaign with finding a good statewide candidate. You do it by recruiting and backing people for school board, city counsel and state house races three or four cycles before. You work between elections. You build the state party by delivering for the citizens who support you.

Or, if you are lucky, Justice Alito gives you a world winning issue like women’s health and then you find some good candidates to take advantage. This year you might have a chance to win the Texas Senate seat, but you won’t hold it unless and until you start actually building the Democratic party in Texas.

That can’t be done with television commercials alone, even if you have a darling candidate. It takes hard work between elections. That costs money and takes time. The airwarrior political consultants Democrats hire just don’t understand that or if they do, they don’t tell the rubes the truth.

Unless you’ve canvassed, organized, and worked between cycles for multiple decades in Texas, as I have (and if you have, I’d love to hear you detail that work), I’m gonna say you’re talking out your ass.

You know nothing. Especially about voter suppression and billionaire dark money. And you’re insulting a lot of brave dogged people.

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I have fought the same fight in Missouri, but it became impossible to win when the National Party decided to withdraw funding because somebody (Rahm Emanual) decided that the party needed to focus on a handful of bright blue states and some blue urban centers in some red states. As hard as my folks tried we just couldn’t make headway against the well funded Republicans in our suburban district. Our state party leadership got old and just slowed down. They weren’t replaced.

The Republicans came for Ike Skelton in my area and funded a fool all out of proportion to the district. The local TV channels kicked in as well. Ike was gone eventhough he was among the best and most powerful members of Congress.

I am not insulting the folks who worked with what they had. Too many of them are my friends. I am insulting the national party decision makers who have for decades asked me to fund them so they can carry coals to Newcastle.

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I’m with you on that.

I’m with you on that too. [and FUCK Rahm Emanuel}


Most of what you say is true, but hello, what do you think we’ve been doing here in the Lone Star state? In the big cities, the party has stopped navel-gazing and has gotten its act together and the landscape is changing, fast.

One area that the Democratic Party hasn’t focused adequately on developing some organizational muscle is the South Texas/Spanish speaking demographics. Of course my experience is mostly from the last election, so we’ll see if lessons were learned. Rural areas are strongly GOP but that’s true of New York and just about everywhere else. But that’s becoming less and less relevant in this state.

The upshot is, this isn’t the nineties anymore.

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