Rick Scott Compares Border Agents To Vietnam War Vets

When will any media person follow up with “Have you no principles or honor? You don’t condemn these words, you own them. They’re yours.”


You have squid for brains, and yet I engage. Says something appalling about one of us, no?


"This reminds me of what happened to soldiers coming back from Vietnam.”

“Wait, a minute, senator, I simply can’t let you get away with such a fatuous and offensive comparison,” Chucktodd did NOT think to respond.


Are you Clear(e) about that?

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The Vietnam references are appropriate, as long as we’re including My Lai…


That would require poor little Upchuck Toad to do his job—something he is intellectually unable to do.


And this surprises you why, exactly?



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I sea. I sea.

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“I can’t talk about why he did what he did,”

Don’t corner President Ratboy.

The GOP talking point this weekend seems to be that it is perfectly acceptable for the President to attack a black political opponent with a racist tweet that dehumanizes the opponent and everyone he represents, even though the opponent was chastising the person in charge of a bureaucracy that doesn’t blink at a child sitting in his own feces.

I’m glad we’re finally having that long-deferred national conversation on race. We’ll get back to that child after this tiff has run its course.


Voldemort look alike proves to be very nimble, border agents good guys, unwarranted criticism dropped on a member of Congress, meh.

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“Let’s look at what [Trump] said and why he did did it,” Scott responded. “Congressman Cummings sat there and attacked our Border Patrol agents, all right? This reminds me of what happened to soldiers coming back from Vietnam.”

“That justifies a a racial resentment tweet in response?” Todd asked. “Is that presidential leadership?”

Scott stuttered for a few seconds before saying, “Well look, I didn’t do the tweets, Chuck.

“I can’t talk about why he did what he did,” the GOP lawmaker continued.

“But I’m very disappointed in people like Congressman Cummings who is attacking Border Patrol agents that are trying to do their job but the Democrats won’t give the resources to do it.”

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I wouldn’t defend trumPP or his predictable response if my life depended on it, but journos know he’d counter with “You’re very rude, do you know that?” or use the dismissive “Thank you” meaning the conversation is over. Or he could ban the news organization the reporter represents. He’s got an arsenal to attack the press, they only have notepads or phones.

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That picture of Chuckles the Toad with Voldemort or Bat Boy, says it all. Two prime examples of failing upwards.


Waiting for Todot to question Lurch about voting rights being taken away from felons

More than 100,000 felons were granted voting rights while former Gov. Charlie Crist was in office. But after former Gov. Rick Scott and state officials changed the rules in 2011, the number fell dramatically. As of last year, fewer than 3,000 people had their voting rights restored during Scott’s two terms.


Lurch had a very successful Sunday morning. Got the GOP talking points out while saying nothing of substance.

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Please don’t start me on the whole anti-Democracy outrage of their legislature overturning the will of the people and re-instituting poll taxes by proxy…

ETA: Hell, @rucleare isn’t allowed to vote yet, and that’s just due to the unfortunate incident with the turtle and the alligator (ask him, I was just the photographer).


I’ve been using Lurch but Voldemort is much better because Lurch had hair.

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Slate has suggested that Tom Steyer billionaire turned dilettante turned candidate for president who is on record as saying he’s going to spend $100M on his campaign direct that dough to the felons who’ve lost voting rights and pay their fines. He’s talking about his dough restoring democracy but he should if he were smart use that money to pay down the fines for the approximate 70,000 felons who can’t vote until they pay FL. For the right to do so.