You know your campaign is on the rocks when your best tactic is to make fun of yourself.
That’s precisely what it’s come to for Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s flailing campaign. As the gaffes mount, his poll numbers drop. In Iowa, the TPM Poll Average has him in 6th place with a meager 5.6% of the vote. So Perry is out with a new ad making fun of himself.The ad begins with a clip from Perry’s disastrous CNBC debate in which he tried to list the three departments he would cut but could only name two. Next, the self-deprecation continues with Perry admitting, “if you want a slick debater, I’m not obviously your guy.” But, he says, if you want a balanced budget amendment, a flat tax, and a part-time Congress, “I’m your man.” The kicker, of course, comes at the end: “I’m Rick Perry and…what’s that line again?”
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