I remember one of her ads from her last campaign which went viral. Something about how she used to castrate hogs on the farm, and would do something similar to the pigs in Washington.
Well, flash forward 6 years later, and she’s tied to Trump, without an inch of daylight because he won’t allow it. So much for that streak of independence she was going to bring to DC. The Lincoln Republicans already have an ad up on this very subject.
You’d think Trump would have some rudimentary understanding that F=ma. But give him credit, he’s updated Newton’s 2nd law of motion in modern America to F=ma(ga).
Well from the link was it his car or his truck? And did he forget to lock his vehicle?
Side note here in St. Louis County there is a yard sign campaign to remind people to lock their vehicles. Lock them if they’re parked on the street, in their driveway, and even in their garage. The last one is because people are not closing their garage doors. Also don’t hide your key’s in your unlocked vehicle.
And this has been going on since at least 3 years.
I’ve seen much more of Joe lately, from the Late Show to the Daily Show, and he seems pretty sharp, on point, and energetic to me. Actually, the opposite of what I’ve been seeing from Trump lately. Let’s see how Trump performs at his rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth plus one. If he’s low energy there, then he’s definitely lost his fastball.
When you combine malevolence with haplessness, you get Kris Kobach.
Off the top of my head, gets humiliated by a federal judge while serving as Kansas SoS, his voter fraud commission gets disbanded, loses a race for Governor in Kansas to a Democrat. Now he’s running for Senate? Why does this guy get so many chances? I can’t see how he’s earned that.
I have no info beyond that article, but I am guessing it was a truck with Kobach’s name all over it since he’s campaigning. The area that he was in is highly trafficked on a Friday night, including by police, and has a lot of cameras. We too have issues with people leaving guns in unlocked cars.
It’s a face not used to smiling. He doesn’t know how, has no practice with it because it’s not reflective of who he is, thus can’t pull it off. He may have been a reality show star, but he’s no actor.
So here is the interesting thing I’ve started pondering.
When we look at Senate races like KS, MT, KY, SC, IA, they are all very competitive right now, and have been trending that way for some time.
But nobody is flipping any of those states blue, or even undecided on their EV maps.
So what’s going on there? Are we expecting very high cross ticket voting? And are we really expecting scenarios where someone is going to vote for Trump, but wants to get rid of Graham, McConnnell, Danes, Ernst, etc?
Didn’t his uncle teach physics at MIT? Doesn’t he have the best mind? Isn’t he a very stable genius? Haven’t most people who’ve passed through a high school science class picked that up?
Just kidding, no. No, there isn’t. Nope. Nada. Absolutely not.
Sorry, no, this can’t be a suicide. First, no black person would do this to themselves. None. Second, even if for some reason they wanted to make a spectacle in this way, there would be a suicide note explaining it as such.