That’s a tough one. I’ll have to chew on that for awhile and then get back to you.
This will cost you an arm and a leg.
He would be scorned far more than being a racist (and it’s illegal)
Societies have taboos. Racism is not a taboo in the U.S.
I guess that’s the point. Guns are easy to come by, apparently by design, why go through do it the hard way? (And yes I know the answer to as to why kill someone for a political stance.)
Well that’s something to chew on.
Donner, party of four?
Statement from the family:
As most of us are in Ohio, we weren’t able to physically go to the location where he was found dead but did speak to a few people who were around at the time of the discovery. We were told that his 6 foot 3 inches long body wasn’t even dangling from the tree. There was blood on his shirt but there didn’t appear to be any physical implications at the scene to suggest that there was a struggle or any visible open wounds at that time. His body sat at the San Bernardino County Coroner for 12 days before an autopsy was performed. We understand that Victorville is a small city and have been reminded regularly that San Bernardino is very busy (as if we aren’t patient enough for necessary answers) but feel that our brother’s death will be waived off as a suicide to avoid any further media attention. Malcolm had very recent conversations with his children about seeing them soon. He didn’t seem to be depressed to anyone who truly knew him. EVERYONE who knew our brother was shocked to hear that he allegedly hung himself and don’t believe it to be true as well as the people who were there when his body was discovered. The explanation of suicide does not seem plausible. There are many ways to die but considering the current racial tension, a black man hanging himself from a tree definitely doesn’t sit well with us right now. We want justice not comfortable excuses.
And statement from municipal authorities:
We grieve for Malcolm’s family and extend our deepest condolences. We understand the gravity of this situation and the family’s desire for answers. We want the lines of communication to remain open with the family, particularly knowing that they live out of state. We will be watching closely to see the results of the Sheriff’s Department investigation.
– City of Victorville
And when someone is glorified because he does the unthinkable we turn him into a star, Dahmer.
OT Rampgate! Trump now complaining some ramp at West Point was too steep and slippery and he nearly fell.
I guess wearing elevator shoes on a steep ramp might screw up your center of gravity jackass.
Dumb and Dahmer.
Bone spurs.
Count me among the people who think the state or FBI needs to take over both investigations. I don’t trust local law enforcement in these remote areas.
Lynching is down right racist. It’s bigger, more obscene than politics, although politics gets pretty damn obscene. Racism is more evil than politics.
All of us know that racism (besides being legal) is a lot more slippery and easier to hide than, say, female infanticide. which has made the rounds in some cultures.
Of course, that’s part of the problem.
Luckily (and I use this word with profound gratitude) there are sizable numbers of people in the United States, who are not subject to racism YET FIGHT IT ANYWAY.
I remember reading somewhere years ago a hanging can be classified suicide or homicide by where the knot of the rope is on the neck. Right handed people generally tie the knot on the right side of the body and left, on the left. If the knot is on the opposite side of the neck, than that’s suspicious because it would be so awkward for the person who is killing themselves to execute. Don’t know how accurate that is but it’s a start.
Uh, slippery? Too steep?
Can wait for an engineer to do the math.
I just don’t know. As the Inspectors in the Brit mysteries say, “Early day yet, early days.” We’re all speculating at this point, but the two crimes are both similar and suspicious. I’m glad the CA AG is getting involved.
The gut that pulled him forward on the slope didn’t help either.
Horrendous. Of course they need to investigate, suicide is such an easy claim, case solved, no need to find the truth.
The other thing I can say about this is I’m just relieved it didn’t happen in the south, we’d never hear the end of it.
Fucker was made aware of how it looked (damage control)
But billions saw it