Republicans Will Attempt To Poke Holes In Vindman’s Credibility During Testimony

As conservative media, the President and some top Republicans have signaled in recent days, Republicans on the impeachment committees plan to try to poke holes in Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman’s credibility and patriotism during his public testimony Tuesday.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

This should go well for them. :laughing:


Ultimate Rorschach Test for the Flag-Waving-Military-Chest-Thumping Crowd:

Bone Spurs vs. Purple Hearts, which do you see as the Real American.


[On Monday, both Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) and House Judiciary Committee ranking member Doug Collins (R-GA) expressed in letters that they had concerns about Vindman’s judgment.]

Crooks always have concerns about the judgement of those–and the witnesses they interview–who are tasked with bringing them to justice.


From a lawyerly perspective, isn’t this news like popping the metaphorical hood on your brain and letting your opposition see exactly how you plan to approach the witness? If so, the tRump cultists are incompetent.


I am sure that many people sitting in prison today have “concerns” about the witnesses who testified against them.


I may be mistaken, but, from what I have seen to date, the Republicans’ strategy of dealing with these Proceedings has not been successful, outside of the RWNJ bubble.


Go for it, assholes. Let’s see how it plays out with the majority of us who put country (and humanity) over party.


Please proceed, dumbasses.


They’ve developed some expertise in this area. Look what they did to Max Cleland.


So, something approaching a dozen current and former high-ranking Trump administration officials have basically all said the same things, confirming each others’ testimony, but it’s all bullshit because they’re disgrunted never-Trumpers who out of their deep hatred for him decided to testify before congress instead of reporting their concerns internally where they knew their concerns would be ignored and they’d be reassigned or fired.

Yep, that makes sense…to the millions of literal imbeciles who believe this shit and watch Fox Nuz all day, because they’re imbeciles. My god, how stupid, insecure and shallow one has to be to believe, and to NEED to believe, this lunacy. Because really, there’s simply no other way to look at it.

I’ve met enough of them to realize that, while some have the excuse of being actual clueless morons who believe everything the RWNM tells them, others are siding with Trump out of some weird cultural tribalism, where it’s not about the facts or who’s right and wrong but who’s side you’re on, like a turf war between neighborhood gangs. They side with Trump because they identify with Trump. Dems make them feel stupid and inferior, while Trump makes them feel like they matter. That’s why they like him, and damn the facts. This is ultimately about social and cultural validation and payback. Period.

Btw, it’s basically a waste of time for Dems to go after most of these people. They might be able to pick off a few here and there, but it’s an extremely labor-intensive process, having to do far more with psychology than policy. You’re talking about people who either loath Dems, because they make them feel stupid and lesser (god, guns, gays, latte, the whole thing), or who don’t know jack about policy and need it very slowly and patiently explained to them, and who has the time and energy to do that. The white working class is basically mostly dead to Dems for now, because of its culture of resentment, insularity and ignorance. These are triple bacon cheeseburger eaters, not book readers.


Expect the flag waiving white veteran to side with Trump. The purple heart phony loves Ukraine more.


I missed the first day, but caught most of Yavonovich’s day, they were pathetic. If they wanted to cast her as a left-leaning person who wasn’t advancing the President’s agenda, etc. etc., there were ways which they could have done that. Castor just brushed across a couple of points that I saw that he could have gone digging and gotten something for his trouble, but he didn’t even seem to notice.

Instead, they resorted to stupid pranks like reading headlines about the WB into the record.


T-10 minutes. Is it too early for popcorn?

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Your OneWordAnswer™: Yes.

Better to just stick with whisky until at least the afternoon, popcorn is not a good morning thing.


Those who raised the alarm on that call, the whistleblower and his sources, are heroes.

It’s telling that the MAGAts would see them as the bad guys.

And I can see them using it as a backdoor way of outing the WB.

Sadly for them, they’re playing in Mr. Schiff’s Neighborhood.




‘‘You can’t promote principled anti-corruption action without pissing-off corrupt people.’’
–George Kent

Vindman’s pissed off an entire party, which speaks volumes.


What is the flavor of the Repubs Kool Aid?

It’s like the Three Stooges taking on John Wayne. Just looking at Vindman’s uniform tells you a lot about the man. The crossed rifles and blue band on his hat tells you that he is Infantry, the Airborne Wings and the Ranger Tab tells you that he is one tough SOB. Of course the Purple Heart tells you that he was injured in Combat.

This is a man who has struggled and fought to get where he is today. He is a warrior. The Republicans are totally outmatched.