In a move showing serious bad faith, Senate Republicans Monday used quotes from the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to justify their breakneck confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett on the eve of an election.
The late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would obviously have heartfully approved of our determination to pack the court with activist judges who will undo her life’s work.
The lies and deceit coming from the GOP are breathtaking. These people have to be removed from power. No Democracy can survive this level of dishonesty.
The paraphrase David ‘Axis of Evil’ Frumm:
Conservatives are fine with democracy and conservatism, but if they can’t have conservatism and democracy, well skip the democracy.
Although she’ll probably get confirmed, there’s still a chance that, whether due to virus-related reasons or political ones, she won’t. Don’t do this “We’re fucked and there’s nothing we can do about it” thing (that I sometimes engage in myself as it’s as addictive as it’s self-defeating). These are not normal times, Trump’s suffered way more defeats than wins, and he’s on a downward trajectory, so who knows. There are several ways this could go south for them–so to speak.
That said, although the way in which they’re doing it is hypocritical and hyperpartisan, they have every right to do this. The senate doesn’t stop being the senate a month before the election. In fact I kind of admire them for this sort of behavior and wish that Dems would do it more often and stop their bipartisan ponies fake niceness, grow a pair (or spine), and play hardball just as hard as the GOP does (and spare me that high roadism crap, I LOATH people who think that way as it LITERALLY kills people–when someone comes for your kids and family, you shoot them, not invite them over for cookies).
However, if they manage to confirm her, and retake the WH and senate, then they absolutely MUST expand the court to 13 and add another 4 libs to it (and replace Breyer with another lib). And as Josh says, DO NOT call it “packing the court”. That’s what the GOP has been doing. This would be UNPACKING the court, and expanding it to account for natural growth and the fact that we now have 13 appellate circuits, not 9. Play smart AND hard, Dems, or you’re worthless.
As said on the Tweet thread, the fat lady is warming up by practicing scales, in this case for the REPUGS in Congress are beginning to pack up their offices, and staff has completed polishing their CV’s.
Exactly and it should be codified that if the appellate increases the SC automatically does as well. I also would codify that the SC seat reflects the makeup of the appellate circuit and circuit assignment. That would help ensure all regions of the Nation are represented and not just the Harvard/Yale Law Schools.
I can’t watch this on the chance that there might be a little artery in my brain getting ready to burst.
So, to calm myself, my new mantra is, " Joe will fix it." Yes, it is simplistic and depends on a big win of all 3 branches of government. But, it gets me through the day. Overturn the ACA? Then the need and demand for a public option will be deafening. Overturn Roe v Wade? Then there will be new laws written to protect choice AND access to contraception. The Catholic Taliban on the Supreme Court will only hurt themselves as they try to impose their religious beliefs on a 22% Catholic country. They will overplay their hand as zealots always do and the reaction will be swift and lasting. I fully expect the addition of reasonable and highly qualified justices. Just Trump’s appeals, alone, argue for adding justices to cover the workload. Now, I will put my fingers back in my ears and say la-la-la-la until November 4, 5, 10,whatever.
Not watching any of this but glad that Dems are focused on the ACA. This absolutely damages the GOP in the Senate races. Amy Klobuchar’s 2 min clip is all one really needs from these hearings. I’d tell Harris to get back on the campaign trail and avoid this farce.