Democrats have put together a multi-trillion dollar, expansive legislative package and are pushing hard for it — touting it at press conferences and in releases, walloping Republicans for standing in its way.
Actually, their word is OPPOSE regardless of who is in power, Democrat or Republican. Either obstruct completely or find ways to try to derail anything proposed by Democrats.
Rethugliklans are very good at those. Remember when Paul Ryan presented a 12-page(?) budget bill with zero numbers in it? If nothing else, it was the first time their “concepts” ever added up.
What we have to do is publicize what the Infrastrucure bill will do. Publicize it to the people for whom it is intended.
We are too sluggish on this already.
What this “Republicans Flail”** article does is aptly describe what we are up against in the GOP Senate. But I would much rather see descriptions of efforts to educate and promote what we can do…
Other Republican members have indicated that the plan may include more money for roads and bridges than the Democratic one, and pay for itself by taxing the people who use the infrastructure instead of corporations — ironically shifting the onus from “coastal elites” to much of their own rural constituency.
Never let it be said that a Republican will not cut off their nose to spite their face!
I feel that some should point out, in defense of the Republicans, that they are almost all, every last man jack of them, craven, grifting, criminals, with nothing but grievance and self interest at heart, so, really, why would anyone expect anything more out of them?
“Republicans Flail At Saying Anything But ‘No’ To Infrastructure” That has been their standard response to any Democratic president, at least since President Obama.
Meanwhile, their reputation as good-faith negotiating partners…
Whoa, whoa whoa. Since when have Repugs ever negotiated in good faith? Even if we limit said good faith to infrastructure, I think the last time was 1956. And they were in charge, so it wasn’t that hard.