Republicans don’t want to dwell on the apparent fact that, to be a member of GOP leadership, one must be willing to go along with President Trump’s stolen election claims.
Republicans need to learn that covering up lies with more lies only makes them greater liars.
It really is rather amazing. They are taking gas-lighting to an extreme.
Perhaps they should be marketed and branded as “The Liars Party”.
Works for me.
Think about it. You want to grift? Then you’ll need to lie. You want to steal? Then you’ll need to lie. You want to corruptly receive dark money from rich assholes who will accept corrupt money funneled back to them from the government? Then you’ll need to lie. You want to disenfranchise a lot of voters in order to stay in power? Then you’ll need to lie.
When pressed, Republicans suggested that their leaders were free to disagree with Trump about whether or not the election was illegitimate — but that they should keep those disagreements to themselves.
So Republicans are free to disagree with Trump, as long as they never say it and always go along with Trump in public.
Can you remind me again which party is the ‘Cancel Culture’ one?
“I’m not going to get drawn into that,” Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK) told TPM Wednesday when asked about the vote hours earlier. Cole serves as House Republicans’ deputy whip.
Acting like the dog that caught the car and isn’t quite sure why.
(Next episode: Hilarity ensues when the car turns out to belong to the county’s Animal Control Officer.)
Buck has it right…Republicans are doing this purge now to satisfy an insane, racist base so that they come out in droves and vote Republican in 2022. That’s the lesson Republicans took from 2018, they weren’t “subservient” enough to Trump so the white supremacist base didn’t vote enough for them and they got trampled in the election. They desperately hope that they can hitch their wagon to Trump this time and, along with all kinds of election chicanery, pull off a win in 2022 and 2024.
The question is if the American people will just forget about the insurrection, the lies about the election, and go along with a party that now depends on white supremacy in order to win elections. 2022 really is going to determine if Republicans are able to use hate and violence as their campaign theme going forward…for the good of the nation they need to be punished at the ballot box. For all of her bad policy positions, Cheney is absolutely right that the current Republican party is a danger to the nation and has to be thrown out.
“If a thief robs a jewelry store of all of its diamonds (the 2020 Presidential Election), the diamonds must be returned,” Trump said in a statement on Monday.
A more apt analogy: The voters flushed a turd down the toilet.
Cheney got kicked to the curb by Goobers who deny objective reality. That should be concerning. If one member was loony tunes they could get help but half of Congress is round the bend…and they make laws people! That is a scary proposition right there.
Not for nothing, but there are more stories about the GOP here than on National Review and The American Conservative. And since my goofy week long account is expiring, with that I say peace out.
Cheney won the vote to keep her position. People who believe the lamestream media only think she lost because there was massive voter fraud when the voice vote was cast. Stop the Steal! /s