Republicans Continue To Block Last-Minute Efforts To Pass Journalist Protections

Originally published at: Republicans Continue To Block Last-Minute Efforts To Pass Journalist Protections - TPM – Talking Points Memo

Reporters are used to the two-facedness, particularly in the Trump era: Republicans interact with them in the Capitol hallways, leak them information or spin behind closed doors, then go to the floor or a rally and whip up listeners against these “enemies within.”  Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) did the two-step Tuesday, blocking a federal shield…

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“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” ― George Orwell, 1984


Just maybe,Freedom of the Press Foundation Director of Advocacy Seth Stern if your members had pulled their collective heads out of their arses and called a lying cheating thieving demented con man what he actual is, instead of blatantly sane washing him at every opportunity, you wouldn’t have to advocate for this.
No one from the MSM has committed an act of journalism in years, if not decades, so there’s no danger of anyone going to jail.

Also Tom Cotton is a waste of oxygen. The only person endangering US assets with leaks is Agent Orange by revealing classified information to the Russians and Saudis.


Cant have a Free Press in a Republican controled government. It is what the people wanted I guess. That is of those who voted.


Well it is a Free Press! Cant tell them what to print. Look at the money behind the big boys.


Now, just wait a Cotton pickin’ dimwit!


Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR)

Vindman is a hero.
Cotten is a patsy.


Is Cotton really that tall or everyone else that short.

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He’s all bobble-throat.


He is a slap-dick cock-womble.


Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema sure do suck. The Democratic party doesn’t need enemies when it has fuckheads like that. Good riddance. (I am aware that both of them nominally left the Democratic party, but they continued to caucus with the Dems and they were elected as Democrats by constituents who, presumably, expected them to act like Democrats, instead they stabbed working people in the back every chance they got.)


Cotton is a pasty patsy.

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