Republicans’ About Face On Ballot Drop Boxes Is Particularly Cartoonish In Wisconsin

It only matters if trump loses again. And if trump loses again, I don’t give a shit how much they whine about it.


I’m not saying to talk about it to the exclusion of other issues. I’ll also point out that some issues aren’t important to voters until they’re told that it is. If republicans can make problems that don’t even exist important to their voters, we can make problems that do exist important to ours.

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Half of that 3% are Republicans who want to make voting harder so Dems can’t keep stealing elections.


You will when you have no electricity or the municipal water gets fucked with or your trip to the grocery store turns into a mass shooting or the overpass you use to get to work every day is destroyed, etc.

None of that is going to happen, but thanks for doomsplaining.

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Illegal voters voted at least 3:1 for The Rump. Prove me wrong.

Because everyone loves the GOP policies?


Everyone needs a hobby, I guess.

Discobot, get off my ass. I’ve replied 3 times on this topic because that’s how discussions work, and I’m not preventing anyone else from participating.

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That sounds a lot like a Trump win, too.


They’ve always been at war with Eurasia…


Well isn’t bigger always better? If voting once is good, it stands to reason that voting lots of times must be better. QED
