U.S. officials believe Iran shot down the Ukrainian plane that crashed outside of Tehran Wednesday morning, CBS News and CNN reported Thursday.
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U.S. officials believe Iran shot down the Ukrainian plane that crashed outside of Tehran Wednesday morning, CBS News and CNN reported Thursday.
Were the Iranians acting for Putin, or Trump? Who else would benefit?
Gonna have to wait until someone outside of the Trump administration confirms this. No reason to take anything said here at face value.
Gotta’ be Putin. He’s pulling the strings on both after all - get Iran and the U.S. into a war, you hurt the U.S. and push the Iranians towards closer ties with Russia. Playing both sides against themselves for his own benefit. It’s a win-win.
I imagine this is true. No other explanation for the weird stuff that took place proximate to it. They thought it was a TAC aircraft and shot it down. So they launched a do nothing strike as they were in deep shit before they loosed the first rocket. This makes it work.
The Iranian Air Defense command may be trigger happy assholes, but the root cause of all the death and misery is Trump’s escalation of the conflict.
Maybe we should wait for credible sources, which the Trumpist U.S. government is not. German or French authorities maybe?
I wonder if the missile batteries are manned by the Russians. You know, like when they shot down Malaysia Airlines flight 17 over Ukraine.
The BBC reports US satellite caught two blips - believed to be missile launches - followed by the blip from the explosion.
Well, it’s a good thing we can’t trust our intelligence agencies. I mean, the missiles could have been launched from a 400 pound guy in his mother’s basement, for all we know.
From what I understand that was a bunch of drunk Ukrainian separatists that had a missile launcher provided by Russia. Russia took it back as soon as those assholes pulled that stunt.
Can’t trust the Trump administration’s account. Zero credibility.
It seems like Russia would be the benefactor of this attack. I’d bet it was them or Trump himself. Missiles sold by Russia to Iran could have Russian backdoor access or could have been hacked by the American military.
“…the Ukrainian plane that crashed outside of Tehran Wednesday morning…”
Have Doug Collins, Louie Gohmert, and Paul Gosar publicly tried to implicated Hunter Biden yet?
(G-d, I hate Poe’s Law.)
Well, I guess this tells us how well the Iranians would handle an actual war. Since their vengeance for their lost general involved accidentally killing a large group of Iranian dual-citizens.
In the old universe, an assessment by US intelligence of what happened and who made it happen would be presumed as reliable.
But that universe is gone.
Hunter Biden personally shoved the Democratic Party’s server into the nosecone of a missile and launched it! It’s all connected!
A commercial jet taking of is an easy target with a shoulder fired Stinger type missile.
Park yourself a mile down the end of the active runway - wait for the aircraft to pass over head and fire.
American, Russian, Chinese versions are a dime a dozen in that part of the World.
Quick and easy could be done with two (or even one person) in the dark. Then simply drive away. It could be anyone. State sponsored or otherwise.
But what’s the motive?