Reports: Trump Intends To Nominate Amy Coney Barrett To Supreme Court

Also, I suspect few will tune in for the simple fact that her rollout will be like everyone else’s. Trump talks about himself for 20 minutes, he introduces her, then she talks about him for 20 minutes.

The same reason that even his MAGAts start filing out of the arena after 45 min: there’s no new act.


That’s mostly my thinking too.

I still hold out for the fat motherfucker resigning or dropped dead first though.


I’m rather fond of option 2 but I suppose I should keep quiet about it.

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It’s everybody’s preferred option. Keep hope alive - one never knows.

Literally, perhaps. Metaphorically, she’s ahead by orders of magnitude.

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Why wouldn’t Putin want his citizens to have gu—?



Watch Portland today because it could get ugly real ugly.

I wish they’d put the blame where it belongs then if it does.

She looks like a Stepford wife.

Ms. Barrett’s friends at ND law school say she has a brilliant legal mind. Who cares about that when people need health care?

So what connections does this group have to other Far Right groups like QAnon and the KKK? The emphasis by People of Praise in belittling women…and their shopping habits…was particularly ridiculous.

Another reason why we need to press for finalizing the ERA.

Just saw a photo of her and her family. She has a black son, adopted, I assume. Wow. Watch Repubs accuses Dems of racism in opposing her. They hate mixed families and black people!

The Nazis had brilliant lawyers too.

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I seriously doubt that would fly at this point. Perhaps in the early days of the republic, when judicial review was still an open book. Now, any such law would be struck down as unconstitutional. Don’t ask me how. They’ll just do it. It’s a catch-22. The only solution is adding 4 liberals.

Judges should not be conservative or liberal. I know that it’s accepted to be that way but if the law is decided by ideology we need a new system.

You might be right. But I’m tired of ‘why try, they’ll just counter’ sort of thinking. That goes hand in hand with “We better not, they’ll act in reprisal next time they’re in power”. That sort of thinking is alien to the other side - and because of that, they’re bull dozing their way towards a permanent majority. They NEVER care about what we might think (or the public) and they NEVER consider ‘what if the other side wins power.’

I’m for increasing the court, first and foremost. But if Biden is loathe to appear ‘too partisan’ - then having congress enact legislation limiting the Supreme’s powers regarding specific laws - is a legal action. IS it ‘unconstitutional’? Well lets try it and see. If the Supreme court of Trump rules it is, THEN ‘balance the court’ with additional justices.

But these actions MUST be taken swiftly and decisively. TIME is in their favor. That’s the game they’ve been playing all along. Delay, defray, defer and grab every inch they can get.

Time we ‘game the system’ as well. And aggressively at that.

If Trump had any brains (he doesn’t) he would nominate Barbara Lagoa as she would help with Florida, Arizona, Texas, and any other Hispanic/Catholic voters.
Fortunately for us, Trump is fucking moron and racist, so he will nominate the White, Blond, Crazy-Eyes woman because he thinks it will help with the White Evangelicals in Pennsylvania who were ALL going to vote for him ANYWAY so he is throwing away a chance to help his re-election.
Thank God for us.

FAR worse.

Kavanaugh at least attemps to hide his lack of qualifications with a veneer of legal experience and knowledge.

Barrett is a Bomb-Throwing Religious Zealot who doesn’t consider testimony or evidence and has already made up her mind on EVERY ISSUE.

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Was with you on the merits of your argument until you broke logic and ranks by calling her a sow. What kind of TPM reader would call a woman a sow? Perhaps a pig?


Amy Coney Barrett ‘will undo’ Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s legacy: Sen. Kamala Harris

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