Former Donald Trump campaign chairman Steve Bannon got a last-minute pardon from his boss as Trump left the White House, but that doesn’t mean he’s in the clear.
And so it begins. I hope Vance and James start announcing multiple investigations against everyone of T****'s toadies. Offer a few reduction in sentence deals for details on the head grifter in chief.
“Noting that the talks within Vance’s office were “preliminary,” the Post reported that state investigators were exploring whether the same criminal conduct alleged against Bannon federally could be charged in state court.”
Nail the sloppy POS already! He engineered the violent insurrection against US democracy more than any other individual. And he’s proud of his fascist handiwork.
If Vance concludes he can’t charge Bannon, it’s going to make it a lot harder for Bannon to take the Fifth in the case against the remaining defendants. Maybe there’s some other state where he’d face criminal liability, but he’s going to have to name it, I think, which is not a thing a criminal wants to do.