As time goes on, things get worse for Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and his friend, the former Seminole County tax collector and now alleged sex trafficker Joel Greenberg.
an employee at the tax collector’s office once saw Greenberg and Gaetz on an internal surveillance video, looking through driver licenses on a weekend evening.
And the best part is …
Greenberg is young and is not having much fun in jail
He had his freedom rescinded for breaking the conditions of the bail
He is almost guaranteed to flip and spill all the beans about Gaetz and who knows who else
To quote Elvin Bishop
“I ain’t had this much fun in about a hundred years”
My guess is that its illegal to retain expired/invalidated driver licenses and other official identification of third parties without their knowledge. And if that is the case, it makes Gaetz complicit in Greenbergs fake ID schemes…
A 36 year old man Gaetz, needs Greenberg to show him how a FL Tax Collector office works, on a weekend night? Nah, nothing untoward going on there.
So Gaetz while in the FL state legislature as representative who was the chair of the Finance and Tax committee had no idea how the state collected taxes or what?
I believe that what is also on clear display–for the judgement of millions–is the lawlessness of the GOP and the Trump “Administration”…THAT’S what makes me interested in an otherwise entitled spoiled brat like Gaetz…
From Minute One on January 2017, whatever “laws” we thought Team Trump/the GOP were subject to was a discredited and worthless collection of weak and unenforceable mores, with no legal weight at all.
Something that weasels like Gaetz (and William Barr) took advantage of.