Theme song to MAGAT Brain is already in the can…
Story goes, to get the required intense level of sadness, the lead guitarist was told to play as if his country’s democracy had just died.
Or something like that.
Theme song to MAGAT Brain is already in the can…
Story goes, to get the required intense level of sadness, the lead guitarist was told to play as if his country’s democracy had just died.
Or something like that.
I think that Trump will definitely end up throwing Guiliani under the bus on this one.
But there is no universe where Trump will ever admit to being hoodwinked or used by anyone. Ever. And that includes claiming to be the victim of Guiliani’s ploys.
Which is the inherent problem with throwing Guiliani under the bus. Trump has admitted and provided the evidence that he was making the call to do the shake down on Zelensky. Given my second point, there is no way that Trump can pin that on Guiliani entirely. His NPD won’t even allow him to say “I didn’t know what the call was about”, because he has to assert he knows everything about everything.
I hope this investigation isn’t being led by Rudy’s pals at the FBI’s NY field office.
They’ll conclude that Clinton’s private server emails were the act of espionage.
With Obama as co-conspirator.
When asked how he went crazy, Rudy said, “slowly at first, then all at once.”
And Horowitz’ latest “report” is still being sat upon by Barr, for over a month now. Perhaps Trump sent it back for a do over. What’s going on here? Because so much has come out over the past couple years and is now common knowledge, and presumably members of congress have seen the pertinent documents, if the Trump/Barr axis want to monkey around with the facts and process, it will be patently obvious (especially, watch out for full caps, random punctuation and repetetive use of the phrases, “believe me!”, “It’ll be beautiful.” ‘the lovers, Peter and Lisa”, and “two to three weeks” inserted into the report.)
This just gets better by the hour.
Am I the only that finds “Fraud Guarantee” to be an unintentionally, hysterically accurate name for what that company was likely actually providing? Selling “insurance” AGAINST fraud? I think not! LOL
It is convoluted but my bet is that it all the roads lead to Moscow.
“So I committed treason. Big deal. Everyone does it. The Fake liberal media just covers it up when Democrats do it. Look at how they let Clinton and Obama slide. DOUBLE STANDARD!”
-Donald Trump
And Biden as Super-Conspirator.
Which one?
I’ve thought about that George, and I’m coming to the conclusion that they hated Hillary Clinton More than they were repulsed by Trump and it was “anybody but Hillary”. Rudy, was a handy conduit. I’m not certain that the same dynamic exists now.
All. The. Bidens.
Even Beau. Just wait.
They also have to consider the possibility of a Democratic administration and an AG that will want to look at what they did in 2016.
I am thinking Rudy has a whole bunch of dirt on donnie that would provide him some immunity from a fall-guy role.
Better to have him inside the tent pissing out than outside pissing in, as LBJ said.
I have ZERO doubt that he is being looked at. They would dig up their mother’s grave if they thought it might give them some advantage.
mais bien sûr
They are the Deep State varsity. Go team!
I hope Trump isn’t the jealous type.