Reports: Durham Said To Be Seeking Indictment Of Lawyer At Firm With Ties To DNC

Obviously this means that T rumpp did not, in fact, lose to HRC.

Hey Merrick Garland, prepare thine fly-swatter & make this go splat. Thanks!


It depends on what’s material to you. If being the target being a Democrat is materiel to Durham then he’s going to burn the guy. And being a Democrat is materiel to these wingnut assholes.

This goes nowhere.

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It’s almost as bad as if he said he did not have sexual relations with some woman.

The system is like fairies. It only exists and has power so long as people believe it is solid and unflawed. If people stop believing it’s infallible, it will collapse (or so we are to believe). We can’t have the current crew investigate if the previous crew were all crooks, or we risk tainting the whole system with doubt.

Governor Wheels needs to step away from the microphone and Fox Noise and find out what is actually happening at the border from someone who works there.

Migrant “caravans” are not coming through the ports of entry, but rather are running around in his Swiss cheese brain. Does he plan to stop all truck traffic? That will get interesting.

Texas Tribune says that the current “horde” includes people from Haiti, so that may explain why an ongoing clusterfuck has suddenly become a “crisis”.


DOJ dropped investigation of Andrew McCabe after warning him he would be indicted, prompting speculation they couldn’t convince a grand jury.


Not saying we want them back. But I think the entire nation, for 20 years, has been watching the double-down process and expecting at some point there would be a break. The Libs have been watching the crazy mount and hoping a good chunk of Americans would come to their senses.

A whole mess of Rs have been watching the double-down and wondering how long they can keep riding that tiger and probably quite upset that the insanity just keeps mounting but don’t have the cajones to turn away from the only world and community they have ever known.

The folks driving the insanity…I don’t think any of us held out any hope for and didn’t want them even if they came crawling back. But I note, with sadness, a lot more than I thought are going for the ride and the devil rules the roost on the R side. Instead of testing the limits and seeing how far they can push things and possibly pulling back from the brink…they are now committed to either destroying the Union or going down trying. Hell, it didn’t work out so bad for them post 1865 so they see some encouragement.


:laughing: That complaint about McConnell “cow towing to the left” is priceless!!!




I thought Devin Nunes was the one who towed cows.


Devin Nunes does that for himself. Mitch McConnell does it because the left wing tells him too.


Not sure, but Chris Christie toes camels.


On that photo…Goodbye!!!


There’s a mouth in there somewhere.

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Now THAT is a Constitutional crisis.

And of course, let’s be clear: Abbott is ONLY doing it because he knows it forces Biden’s hand to stop him from doing it, which will give him and the rest of the lying sacks of shit white Christian dominionist cretins their “proof” that Biden is “deliberately keeping the borders open to flood the country with new illegal Dem voters.”

Not to mention: there are at least 5 SCOTUS justices ITCHING to give border states some form of control and sovereignty over the borders.


Nobody told him not to appear in public wearing that outfit?


I’ve been struggling to imagine how one would tow a bovine if the cow didn’t want to move.


What’s sad is that it will never occur to them that “hey, wait a second…all these people telling me what I want to hear might be lying to me…” No no. It will forever be that those people failed to deliver for reasons like cowardice or incompetence, etc. What they want to hear is already an immutable, unassailable truth before they hear it.


“Does this enormous ass, gut, and pair of man boobs make me look fat?”


4 of these should go into the hooves pretty easy, no?..

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