Reporters and colleagues on Wednesday defended the record of White House correspondent Kristen Welker, who is set to moderate Thursday’s presidential debate after President Donald Trump spent the past several days on a rampage against the NBC News journalist.
Trump is just trying to scare her into going easy on him, and lay the groundwork for excuses after he does poorly in the debate. No one should take any of this seriously, it’s a sign that he’s scared to face Biden and will have to debate on issues instead of acting like a four year old who has had too much sugar.
Honestly, I expect him to bail at the last minute, simply because his strategy to yell over Biden won’t work, and neither will yelling at the moderator…the only way he does well is not to show up, even though that will hurt him. Of course, all he is doing is hurting himself with his behavior and actions, so this is just par for the course.
I am so tired of this vainglorious little man. I don’t ever look forward to the cold and snow of Northeastern winters, but now January can’t come quickly enough for me.
Ms Welker is a walking, talking example of what pushes his button. If I was his zookeeper I’d be pretty upset that she’s moderating. If I was her I’d be thinking this is going to be a real hoot.
Trump is an insecure, women belittling, smearing, insulting bully. Period. He KNOWS if yet another strong woman questions him he will come off badly so he tries to set up his ‘supporters’ to jeer and mock and … whatever.
The minions won’t care. They don’t care that she’s accomplished more in the last five years than they have in their entire lives. Their leader hates her; therefore, they hate her. It won’t matter who of the ‘elitist’ news heads come to her defense. Their leader hates them; therefore, they hate them.
Unless the talking head comes from OAN or Fox, they have no regard for the talking head.
He’s playing them, once again. Because they let him.
It’s even simpler: he knows he’s losing and he’s pissed off about it. All of his previous strategies are failing him this time – “lock her up” gets him eyerolls except with the koolaid drinkers and people are making fun of the Hunter Biden shit. Everything he does backfires on him. He’s never had it like this before. His temper tantrum is turning into hysterical, gulping screaming at a hypersonic pitch, he’s getting blue in the face but it’s getting him nowhere. We still hate him.
But he has no ability to do anything any differently.
I don’t understand. everyone knows Donald is the very bestest negotiator ever. He uses all the best words and always wins bigly. Why is he complaining about “that woman” she might be “nasty” and have blood coming from wherever, and all that…
But a lot of people are saying Donald is going to run circles around both her and Biden! This whole story must just be fake news.
She should mute/unmute/mute him just to mess with his anxiety. And laugh. And then mute him while he yells at her, but let Joe talk. Ask Joe if he hears a noise.