Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross called acting NOAA Administrator Neil Jacobs from Greece to threaten him and top officials with termination if they didn’t contradict a statement from the Birmingham, Alabama office undermining President Donald Trump’s bogus Hurricane Dorian meteorology.
Soon, employees will be punished for not applauding enthusiastically enough whenever Dear Leader’s puffy orange face shows up on the television screen.
Gosh could Wilber suck any harder…the most corrupt administration of any era at any time…this bullshit would have cratered any administration but this one…and that is the saddest commentary on the whole Trump disaster.
It seems to be a malignancy that spreads defending the Idiot in Chief at all cost to credibility.
I nearly cried last night when 60 minutes did a piece on Steve Croft and they reran portions of his interview with Barack Obama
Sentences , Syntax, Logic, Humor
All they had to do was just let it go when it happened, let us have our laughs at his expense for a few minutes and it would settle at the bottom of the pile of the thousands of other idiocies we’ve seen. But one sick man’s ego made that impossible, and now Dorian is turning into a political shitstorm with lasting consequences.
…Are you complaining? This is exactly the juicy stuff that can turn the tables on debates about things like impeachment. And happening at exactly the right time, too.
I rewatched the Obama episode of Jerry Seinfeld’s “Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee” the other day and I felt like crying more than at the end of “Terms of Endearment”.