Former President Trump took a bunch of records from his administration with him when he left the White House, the Washington Post reported Monday — forcing the National Archives to trek down to Mar-a-Lago to retrieve them.
Gee…after four years of being told about the Records Act, again and again and again, to the point of having staff whose jobs were taping shredded documents together again, you’d think even the toddler would catch on.
(And, in fact, he did – he mentioned the Records Act when he was pissed off that Nancy Pelosi ripped up his gawdawful SOTU speech on teevee.)
Anyone want to put money on the Records folks having to take those “love letters” out of (gilded) picture frames?
Do NARA people have badges? I mean, how did they get past security at Mar-A-Lago?
NARA folks are basically extreme librarians, right? Librarians are the best.
Memo to the Don - when you don’t want the documents found the Hudson River is a good destination for them (along with those who know too much about them).
In the aftermath of the Trump Presidency it’s apparent there are all sorts of laws and regulations saying a President is obligated or legally required to do, or not do, certain things both during and after their term. It’s also apparent enforcement mechanisms holding Presidents to those requirements are nearly non-existent, and where they do exist the relevant authorities are loathe to employ them.
A little (just a little) like when Hillary had a private email server, except I doubt that this will get breaking news coverage for the rest of the year.
Remember how upset republicans were that Clintons took furniture and gifts when they left the White House. First taking documents is worse and second you KNOW he took gifts and probably furniture too.
Yes we will be lucky to get him on a single count of anything.
I know I have received sneers from folks on this site about Hatch Act violations, but his whole presidency was one rolling Hatch Act violation. The actual POTUS himself is not subject to various Hatch Act regulations, but everyone else is. Plus, a POTUS is NOT immune when using COERCION, if he uses his office to pressure people into using Govt. assets for campaign purposes, etc. If you remember, he used the WH for every damn campaign event he could including the RNC convention.
(he either used sealed venues where he never had to face a single hostile voter, or went the even easier route of just using the WH and all the amenities as his campaign prop)